If you could peek through our windows, you might think we were going on vacation. We’ve got a couple suitcases packed. There’s a big bag of granola bars and snacks ready to go. We’re doing last-minute laundry. There is a checklist on the diningroom table of last-minute things to remember: Continue reading “Bon voyage”
Camera ready
Baby can be born now, it’s fine: “the new camera”:http://boydsnest.org/news/2006/tracking-baby arrived today. Continue reading “Camera ready”
Sooner or later
They told us that labor would be hard, but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that the _waiting_ for labor would be so hard! (Maybe you forget this part once it’s all over.) But there’s a curious phenomenon: we have to keep wrestling our own experience down to keep our eyes on something bigger that we know to be true. Continue reading “Sooner or later”
Five-handed piano
There are some things you just can’t do without a community. Moving a piano is one of them. Continue reading “Five-handed piano”
Still at play
We had a friend over the other day who’s not quite five years old. He was interested in a couple of simple clay objects out on our livingroom table (a large ring and a chunky heart). He asked who made them, and when we said that we had, he asked in amazement — “You still have clay?”
We hope he’ll always remember that, yes, even grown-ups can goof around with the arts. :)
Tracking Baby
With help from our anticipated tax refund, last night I ordered a new digital camera. When it arrives, it will replace the one I still think of as “new,” but which is almost five years old. So now I’m waiting for _two_ little deliveries. The difference is, I get a FedEx tracking number for the camera so I can expect it on Monday. I want a tracking number for Baby! Continue reading “Tracking Baby”
Baby Catcher review
A new friend
Mostly, I just can’t wait to meet her. We’re very conscious that we already _have_ a baby: she’s just an “indoor baby” and we’re waiting for her to be an “outdoor baby” (as our friend Melanie put it). There are three people who live in our house already.
But we haven’t _met_ her yet. Continue reading “A new friend”
The pace of change
It occurs to me that one of the things about the best friendships is how you pay attention to how the other person changes over time. Continue reading “The pace of change”
Want to help with meals?
We imagine that some of you might want to help out with meals now that Lucy has been born. (It sure is a perfect excuse to come over and meet her!) If so, please get in touch with our Field Marshall of Meals, Dora. You can reach her at dorame {at} uwalumni {dot} com. She’ll be delighted to find you a spot in the schedule. Thanks!