Friendship at Its Finest: The hospitality of Lady Teresa

The Boyds with Lady Teresa

This post is the eighteenth in our “England 2015”:/news/category/travel/england-2015/ series.

“Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway.” —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Even with all of our planning and resources, I’m attuned to a certain sense of vulnerability that comes with international travel. Continue reading “Friendship at Its Finest: The hospitality of Lady Teresa”

How to enjoy a rainy day in London

Rain gear.

This post is the seventeenth in our “England 2015”:/news/category/travel/england-2015/ series.

Months before we packed our bags, I started researching rain gear: boots, raincoats, umbrellas. Despite the reassuring data categorizing May as one of the least-damp months in England, I felt we should be prepared for any eventuality. And so, on the one rainy day we experienced in London, we did stay relatively dry. Continue reading “How to enjoy a rainy day in London”

The Glories of Kensington: Uncovering magic inside and out

With a swan on Round Lake.

This post is the fourteenth in our “England 2015”:/news/category/travel/england-2015/ series.

After our over-the-top breakfast at Rochelle Canteen, it turned out we were positioned nicely to stop at Kensington Gardens and the Palace on our way back toward home base. I had heard that the Peter Pan statue was a must-see, so we headed through the Italian Garden Fountains, stopping briefly to wonder at the blue heron bathing in the waters. Continue reading “The Glories of Kensington: Uncovering magic inside and out”

Rochelle Canteen: In search of the best scrambled eggs on earth

Breakfast at Rochelle Canteen.

This post is the thirteenth in our “England 2015”:/news/category/travel/england-2015/ series.

When we starting making our bucket list of things we’d like to do in England, I noticed that I didn’t have very many things that were meaningful to me, personally. There were lots of things I wanted to do with my family, but it was hard for me to identify activities that were a must-do for me. I finally came up with two: I wanted to go running in London (you’ll read later about how that turned out), and I wanted to visit Rochelle Canteen. Continue reading “Rochelle Canteen: In search of the best scrambled eggs on earth”