Bon voyage

If you could peek through our windows, you might think we were going on vacation. We’ve got a couple suitcases packed. There’s a big bag of granola bars and snacks ready to go. We’re doing last-minute laundry. There is a checklist on the diningroom table of last-minute things to remember: Continue reading “Bon voyage”

Sooner or later

They told us that labor would be hard, but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that the _waiting_ for labor would be so hard! (Maybe you forget this part once it’s all over.) But there’s a curious phenomenon: we have to keep wrestling our own experience down to keep our eyes on something bigger that we know to be true. Continue reading “Sooner or later”

Tracking Baby

With help from our anticipated tax refund, last night I ordered a new digital camera. When it arrives, it will replace the one I still think of as “new,” but which is almost five years old. So now I’m waiting for _two_ little deliveries. The difference is, I get a FedEx tracking number for the camera so I can expect it on Monday. I want a tracking number for Baby! Continue reading “Tracking Baby”

Baby Catcher review

Baby CatcherIt just occurred to me that some readers of Boyds’ Nest News might be interested in “my recent book review”: of Peggy Vincent’s _Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife_. That is all.