I think my milk came in today. Lucy has been nursing pretty well ever since our talk with the lactation consultant at Evanston Hospital just about 24 hours after her birth. Continue reading “Milk-face”
Lucy, Jon, and I are all glad to be settled into our cozy home again. Jon just took Lucy for a tour of the house. It was fun to be able to show her all the places she has been for the past nine months, even though she couldn’t see them until now. Continue reading “Unreal”
T minus 4 days
We had a good appointment today with Jenny the Midwife, and we set a date for induction: this Friday, April 28. We also talked about things we can do before then: Continue reading “T minus 4 days”
Due date +7
One week past Baby’s due date, and no sign of her initiating her journey to the outside world. I did, however, have a series of dreams last night that I was in labor — does that mean anything? I’m feeling quite peaceful about the waiting today. We have an appointment with Jenny the Midwife tomorrow, and we’ll make a plan for the week and discuss the timeline for giving Baby an eviction notice.
Or maybe she’ll decide to come out tonight!
Due date +6
Yesterday, I ran into my friend Marijean from “church”:http://gracechurchchicago.org on my way to Target. We talked briefly about the main topic in my life: “When is the baby going to come out???” She said something offhand that really encouraged me: Continue reading “Due date +6”
Due date +5
The other morning, I woke up early (to pee, of course), and was feeling grumpy about not being in labor yet. In my half-awake state, I got back in bed and decided to talk to Baby. I visualized three chairs: Baby in one, my body in another, and the placenta in the third. Continue reading “Due date +5”
Birthing from Within, by Pam England & Rob Horowitz
I’m not sure if *every* pregnant woman needs to read this book, but I would definitely recommend it for those who are pursuing non-medicated childbirth. Or those who are inclined to be “artistic.” Or those who like to ponder deep questions. Or generally interesting people. Basically, anyone who is friends with me. Continue reading “Birthing from Within, by Pam England & Rob Horowitz”
Due date +4
I don’t know what happened, but this morning I woke up feeling that I have a lot to be grateful for. I said to Jon, “It is good that we don’t live in the 1600s. We don’t have to worry about the baby staying in so long that she stops thriving.” Jon said, “There are a lot of good things about not living in the 1600s.” “Like toilets,” I said. Continue reading “Due date +4”
Due date +3
Well, remember how I kept saying that I’m feeling fine and comfortable and don’t really mind being pregnant? That’s not so true anymore. Continue reading “Due date +3”
Baby Bargains, by Denise & Alan Fields
I often forget to recommend this book, since it isn’t exactly about pregnancy or how to care for a baby. But it is probably one of the most useful books I can think of for an expectant couple. Continue reading “Baby Bargains, by Denise & Alan Fields”