
I think my milk came in today. Lucy has been nursing pretty well ever since our talk with the lactation consultant at Evanston Hospital just about 24 hours after her birth. I’ve been a bit nervous about making sure Lucy is latching on correctly. Having a good latch makes everyone happier: baby nurses more productively, and mama isn’t quite so sore from all the activity. Signs of success include big jaw movements on baby (check), sounds of swallowing (check), and no feeling of pain (well, we have *minimal* pain — I don’t think it is possible to avoid pain totally in these early days).

p{color:gray}. A handy index finger Photo: Before nursing, I usually give Lucy an index finger to suck on when she’s just woken up to help her remember the task at hand.

This evening I really started to feel more comfortable with nursing; instead of having to concentrate solely on how Lucy was eating, I watched a couple of short movies with Jon that we took on our new camera (including one from labor which, surprisingly, made me laugh so hard that I cried). I’ve also noticed that I can feel a bizarre hormonal rush when I’m nursing. I think this is my body producing oxytocin (or some other hormone) which keeps the milk flowing and has the lovely side effect of making you feel sleepy and happy. It is definitely a strange sensation, but a welcome one, especially as it helps me to relax and not worry about Lucy getting enough to eat.

I felt really happy tonight when, after Lucy fell asleep nursing and I sat her up, I noticed milk all over her face and lips. Maybe it is just my Sicilian heritage, but being able to feed her successfully makes me feel like I might be able to cut it as a mom after all. :)

4 Replies to “Milk-face”

  1. Ahh, the classic state of milk ecstasy. Don’t you love it! Use that Lansinoh cream to help with any soreness with nursing. I got wicked chapped lips after birth and used it on myself as well (all natural). It also helps Lucy’s lips. Remember to drink water. Basically drink when she is drinking is the rule. It helps with milk production.

    Did I mention your daughter is a beauty!. She got your wonderful lips Ann. I see alot of you in her.

    We signed up to bring over a meal. Haven’t rec’d the date yet but can’t wait to meet Lucy and hear about the labor/birth.


  2. Jon, why are you using soothies? They are great, but for nursing moms. Ann, if you get real sore yor dr. can give you “all purpose nipple cream” it works the best and doesn’t hurt Lucy.

  3. Ha! bk is referring to the comment previous to hers, which was originally signed “Jon.” Ann had stolen my computer and posted without noticing the gender-bending implications. :)

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