Two weeks

Today, Lucy is “two weeks years old” (that is how Jon likes to say it :). I think all three of us have learned a lot about each other over these past two weeks. Even with all the reading I’ve done, caring for a baby is definitely different from how I thought it would be. Continue reading “Two weeks”

We love our friends

We had a rough couple of days this weekend, as you probably read from Jon’s “post”:/news/2006/road-warrior/. Lucy is generally not a difficult baby, but this nighttime fussiness thing was starting to put us over the edge. I knew I was feeling pretty anxious about her crying when I realized I wasn’t interested in eating chocolate (a sure sign of distress for me). Continue reading “We love our friends”

To pacify or not to pacify

My latest theory is that Lucy is an easily over-stimulated baby. (Not surprising, considering how her parents react to over-stimulation?) I think every baby book I read discusses over-stimulation (which is helpful) and they recommend a pacifiers for an over-stimulated baby (also helpful) but “not until breast-feeding is well-established” (less helpful for the present moment). Continue reading “To pacify or not to pacify”


Lucy has succeeded in convincing us that she is the cutest baby ever. I always thought that people with newborns couldn’t get anything done because of time-consuming diaper changes and baby care and sleep deprivation. But the truth is, we just want to spend all of our time looking at her. Here are some of my favorite antics of hers: Continue reading “Irresistability”

Granola girl

I haven’t written much about the labor experience yet, but it’s not because I haven’t been thinking about it. Mainly I haven’t written about labor for these reasons:

# I am still trying to figure out how to describe it;
# I can’t remember half of it;
# It is rare to have both hands free these days for typing.

Continue reading “Granola girl”