A “touch” of pneumonia

We’ve all been a little sick with colds this week, but poor Lucy has had it the worst with a persistent cough, which turned out to be something to take more seriously — and with her first-ever round of antibiotics.

She has been coughing a lot since Monday. (In fact, if you see her anytime in the near future, she will regale you with the story of how she coughed so hard that she gagged and threw up.) But she seemed to be getting a little better and was in pretty good spirits.

But Friday, Lucy’s cough was so bad that she began complaining about a pain in her stomach. It sounded as if she had actually strained a muscle from coughing. I decided to call the doctor’s office just to check in, and sure enough, they thought she should come in to be evaluated. We scheduled an appointment for Saturday.

Friday night, I felt very good about making that appointment, because Lucy all of a sudden had a no-nonsense fever at 102° in the evening and nighttime. (It would peak a couple degrees higher overnight Saturday.) And I felt even better about making the appointment when the doctor pronounced that Lucy’s cough had “settled” on the left side of her chest and required antibiotics. As we were talking things through, I mentioned the word “pneumonia” and Dr. Singer says, “Yes, I didn’t want to use that word because it alarms people, but Lucy does have a touch of pneumonia.”

Lucy has been taking it easy today and being very brave, but our sweet girl is suffering with her cough and fever waiting for her antibiotics to kick in. (The sweetest part was Lucy saying, “Mama, you are a very good take-care-of-er.”) The doctor said that she should be feeling much better even within about 36 hours, so we are hoping that the antibiotic does its thing and Lucy gets some relief by Monday morning.

In the meantime, we are watching videos, eating soup, getting all steamed up in the shower, and cuddling under blankets. Rosie is providing Lucy with entertainment (“Rosie! Do your ballet dance!”) and a steady stream of stuffed animals. Mama is thinking about what baking-therapy project she’ll undertake next (pumpkin orange cake, anyone?). Papa is providing extra snuggles and reading time. And Lucy’s body is working hard to fight the battle of the germs!

4 Replies to “A “touch” of pneumonia”

  1. Lucy is definitely on the mend. She has been fever-free since Saturday night, so that is great! She is still coughing a lot (and didn’t sleep well last night because of it), but she is cheerful and energetic. Thanks for all of the well-wishes!

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