Big sister life

Hey everybody! It’s been a while since “I wrote”:/news/author/lucy/, so I thought it was about time to check in and let you know how fabulous life is now that I’ve got a little sister to snuggle.

Big sister life

I’m having such a blast getting to know Rosie. Yeah, she doesn’t say much, and she doesn’t really do much yet, but I’m totally digging the times I get to hug and kiss her. She’s sort of like my baby doll, except not so freaky with the wide-open eyes all the time!

p{color:gray}. Photo: I made Papa put on his bow tie for this picture. Seriously: I brought it to him and said, “Bow tie! Tie it!”

I’ve got to give a shout out to my homie Maddy G. for the tips on how to meet a baby sister — I watched “this video”: last month of her meeting her own newborn sister, Lydia, I’d say oh approximately one zillion times before I had “my own visit”:/news/2008/sister-hats/ to the hospital to meet The Roz. Thanks, MG! You really helped me to get psyched.

The parental units seem to be handling all the changes pretty well. Good old Ma “cries sometimes”:/news/2008/mood-swinging/, but what else is new? I must say that I’m feeling the adjustment pains a little bit too, but nothing that a good tantrum can’t purge — and, hey! I’m almost two, so I’m entitled to have a tantrum here and there anyhow.

Maybe one of the best parts of our life-in-transition around here is how much I get to watch videos, especially my favorite “They Might Be Giants”: Friday night video podcasts. These are awesome, and I recommend them to everyone! (Here’s a link that will “load them in iTunes”: for ya.) The old folks say that it’s “the Muppet Show for the new millennium.” I don’t know about that, but TMBG totally rocks. (Don’t be fooled, though: they’re not really giants.) They’re so educational that I’ve seriously learned to count to ten occasionally, and this claim has been verified by impartial observers, not just Grandpa, who’s prone to exaggerate, the poor old guy. Other times, I like to start at “five,” so I guess I’ve got a little work yet to do. Anyhoo, educational, schmeducational: even Aunt Linda agrees that those They Might Be Giants tunes are groovy — so that _proves_ it!

Well, gotta run! Mamacita needs my help with Rosie’s diaper change!

Stay cool,

Lulu, The One and Only

4 Replies to “Big sister life”

  1. Lucy we are glad there is only one of you! Great job on counting, Mo hasn’t found that all too interesting yet. Sounds like you are building quite the vocabulary! Mo now enjoys saying “eddy, et, GOOOO!” and running, and today he played with his “ump tuck.” He can’t wait for more video of you either, so make sure your parents remember to catch your antics!

  2. Lucy,
    It’s great to hear from you. Be sure to let your mom and dad know that I enjoy following their blog. I also love reading the comments of people that I knew, like, 100billion years ago. I also wanted to tell you, Lucy, that if you are ever bored and Mama needs a few moments of quiet, try talking her into letting you watch the Veggie Tales show “Easter Carol”. Their is a fun song in there all about Boyds.
    Oddly enough, it was produced by none other than Adam Frick (we watched the credits!). Ask your mama if she remembers him. Lucy, we have two little girls just like your parents and although our blog is very un-sophisticated, if you would like to see pictures of them tell your mom to go to :
    Thanks, Lucy! Hope you have a good day. Give your little sissy lots of hugs and kisses. Before you know it she will be sitting up and playing with you!

  3. Lu, Lu,
    I am glad to hear that you watched my movie. I watch yours all the time. I really like the one of you dancing with your papa. I am trying to get my babe sister, Lydi to star in one with me, but like yours she doesn’t do much. Right now her big trick is cooing and lifting her head to shoot me a “mile” (smile). It is very cute, but nothing compared to what you and I can do. I guess we will just have to teach them to be movie stars.
    Take care of your mama, keep your pa on his toes and for sure start giving that sis some classes!

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