The groundhog

I read this inspiring story in “_Family Fun_ magazine’s”: February 2007 issue about a family who developed a no-shame way to give second chances.

Background: the mom was at her wits end with her son who had a habit of carelessly slamming doors. Tensions were mounting and everyone was frustrated. Enter the Bill Murray classic “_Groundhog Day_”: and Mom gets a brain-wave.

The next time Junior slams the door, Mom says, “Want to try a groundhog?” The boy is so delighted with the chance to correct himself that he cheerfully closes the door quietly about six times. Mom discovers this is a useful tool even for herself, when she gets snappy with kids.

I love how this trick is an invitation to change but allows for mistakes. We all have trouble changing habits! Jon and I have even started to use it on each other, when one of us is snippier than we’d like to be or whatever. In a family, we need ways to help each other grow and develop, and this might be one good tool for the journey.

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