
What is _with_ you people? (I still sometimes think of you humans as an alien race, but I suppose I should take a reality pill and start assimilating.) Anyhoo, can someone please explain the obsession with hair? I’ve been surprised what a big deal it is.


People who’ve got it complain about how it’s behaving, people who are losing it worry about how to keep it, curlyheads wish it were straight (and vice versa), and when it starts turning gray, take cover! But jeepers, I had “loads of it”:/news/2006/3300-le/ in the womb, and nobody warned me it was gonna make such an impact. I’ll tell ya — it’s confusing.

I’m thinking about all this because, as you can see from the pic, the ’rents have given me a serious haircut. (They trimmed the back a couple months ago when it was getting a little too mullet-ish, but this time it was for real.) The best thing is, with it out of my eyes, now I can see a thing.

(Sorry, no photos of the haircut in progress. This is because I require the dedicated attention {cough} restraint {cough} of two barbers, and there weren’t any hands free to operate the camera.)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know: I _was_ starting to look a little like the “Shaggy D.A.”: And hey, now that the hair is up out of my eyes, y’all can get a good view of my charming “peepers”:/news/2006/the-two-hundredth/! It was getting so I’d flutter my “lashes”:/news/2006/eyelashes/ and nobody could tell. But wow, I’m surprised what a big difference it makes. I flatter myself that now I look like Audrey Hepburn, post-SuperCuts, in “_Sabrina_”: (Feel free to refer to me as an elfin, wistful beauty.)

There’s this one super-cute baby I know who’s totally bald. Good for him, I say! What a cutie! If he had a big head of hair, it wouldn’t be quite the same. But boy, “hair”:/news/2006/lucy-speaks-again/ “sure”:/news/2006/i-am-doing-it-2/ “has”:/news/2006/songs-from-the-boyds-nest/ “been”:/news/2006/ouch-whos-pulling-my-hair/ “one”:/news/2006/hmm-let-me-see/ “of”:/news/2006/really-you-like-my-hair/ “my”:/news/2006/post-shampoo/ “trademarks”:/news/2006/heres-looking-at-you/, I’ll tell ya. I sometimes wonder what I’d look like bald, but Ma and Pa don’t seem willing to rev up the shaver. I guess I’ll have to save that for an adolescent rebellion.

Till then, I send you my tonsorial greetings — Lulu

4 Replies to “Haircut”

  1. Lucy,
    I wish I had to hair to cut. It has taken me almost 13 months to get enough to brush. I still can’t make “pony tales” or put cute things in it. But I have red hair, so that makes up for not having much. I am so glad we can see your eyes now.

  2. I think she is just about to chew on her fingers — unless she learned the sign for water from some other source and is trying to teach it to us!

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