Lucy speaks again

Yo, yo, yo! Hey everybody, it’s Lucy here. I’ve been pretty swamped lately with all my rapid growth and development, but I thought it was time for you to get word “again”:/news/2006/lucy-speaks-out/ from the Little Lady herself. (That would be me.)

The first thing I need to tell you is that I’ve taken up a new hobby: everything-watching. Now, I know you big people have hobbies like “bird-watching” or “people-watching” (some nutjobs even do “train-watching”), but I’ve just got to tell you: you are really limiting yourself. I’m concerned, because I really want you all to keep developing well, sincerely. There is a lot more to see than just birds! For example, when you visit me you should check out the “outrageous yellow-and-black mobile”:/news/2006/the-lucy-files-week-7-day-2/ over my diaper-changing table. I think I could seriously stare at it for about ten minutes straight, no joking. Don’t even get me started about the microwave door or the bookshelves. And that’s just indoors! Anytime we go outdoors, I almost start to freak after twenty minutes. There is so much to see, I just have to take a nap to soak it all in. Life is good.

Let’s talk about naps a little bit. First of all, you grown-ups take way too few of them. I’m thinking you maybe just don’t have a good system in place. Here is the best way to do it: eat a nice big milky meal, then take a look around for awhile, say thirty minutes. When you start to feel sleepy, open up your lungs and start crying. Then Mamacita will wrap you up nice like a burrito, and Daddy-o might bounce you on The Ball, or if you are lucky, you get to go in the super-cozy Papasan swing. Swing low, baby, I’m a-nappin’.

Speaking of Daddy-o, I must say, that Mamacita sure knows how to pick ’em! I just love to stare at his face, especially those baby blues. Sometimes, when I’m in the swing but not too drowsy yet, Pops will plop himself down on the floor next to me and let me look at him. That is just my idea of heaven — falling asleep while looking at that handsome face. Shout out to Mama for marrying a looker!


Of course, the good looks run in the family, as you can see by my fabulous hair. Please — don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. I didn’t even use special shampoo on this or anything! I’m wondering if the Ps are ever going to dye “my fauxhawk”:/news/2006/heres-looking-at-you/ some funky color and take me to a punk show, because that would totally rock — except I’d really only want to be there for about twenty minutes. A girl’s got to get her beauty rest, right?

Mmm, fresh BabyBjorn...

I’ve got to tell you another thing: I’m really having fun sucking on just about anything. My two favorite things lately: my hands and the BabyBjörn. I don’t know what they put on that BabyBjorn, but it tastes soooo good, just like I’m licking fabric or something. Mmm, mmm, mmm! I can’t get enough of it. Sucking on my own hands is fun too, especially because I’ve pretty much figured out how to get them in my mouth, and it makes a really satisfying, smacking sound. Papa’s thumb will work in a pinch, but I really prefer my own hands. (Of course, the nipple is still my top favorite, but I’m talking about non-nutritive sucking here. Keep up with me!)

Oh, the other big thing lately is that I’ve decided to really break out my smile. I have been practicing it a lot while I sleep, trying to perfect it. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I’d got it down pat, so I started testing it out a bit on the ‘Rents. They totally went wild, so I figured it was ready for unveiling. I’ve been smiling at them a lot. It is hilarious to watch their goofy antics to get me to smile. They really have shockingly little self-respect.

Well, I could bend your ear for a lot longer here, but I’ve really got to go eat now. And, hey! I want to see some more napping from you people!


2 Replies to “Lucy speaks again”

  1. Lulu,

    If you think your hands are cool to suck on wait until you find your feet!! They totally rock!!

    Naomi Wetzel

  2. Lucy, I am very excited to MEET you today – and no doubt I will engage in one of my favorite “grandma type” activities – BABYWATCHING! I feel like I know you already thru your delightful daily greetings—but a HUG -now that will be great. “Nani” as I am known to Clara

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