Due date + 1

I had an encouraging appointment with Jenny the Midwife today, although I was sorry that I wasn’t one of the many this weekend whose births she attended! But, even after a long night, she was glad to tell me I am progressing. Here is the report:

* 1 cm dilated (better than 1/2 cm last week)
* baby has dropped even more, to “0-station,” which is about as far as the baby can go without actually starting to be born
* cervix is 80% effaced (which is good and thin)
* baby’s heartrate is great, and she is happily wiggling away

Jon came to the appointment this time, which was nice. He hasn’t heard baby’s heartbeat for months, so I’m glad he got to hear her thumping away! We asked more questions about induction (“nothing to worry about right now”) and when to call (“whenever you feel you’d like to, but certainly if you’ve been having contractions 5 min apart for an hour, or if your water breaks”).

I have already been for one long walk today, but I might go on another. These walks definitely intensify my Braxton-Hicks contractions, and they have the added benefit of balancing out the results of my sugar-cravings.

Did I mention that I had a dream I gained 78 lbs? (I haven’t — I checked this morning.)

2 Replies to “Due date + 1”

  1. I had a dream about you last night!! you were in labor, so maybe today is the day! Or maybe you were in labor last night! We are praying for you (Maddy and I pray for you every time we nurse) and are very excited for you.
    Enjoy every last kick, your last peaceful shower (and painless) and praise God for the most wonderful gift he is giving you!
    Let us know if you need anything or if you have any questions that might not be covered in a book or if you need to give your husband a break from your crazy mood swings!
    We love you.

  2. I hope your dream was accurate! that would be awesome. Thanks for praying for us. We are trying to enjoy ourselves these days, but it is harder than I would think sometimes! I think God is teaching us about patience. You are the best. :) We love you guys too.

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