Chowing down

Hey everybody, just wanted to give a shout out saying thanks for all of the support you gave Mamacita here with “the whole milk thing”:/news/2006/fussy-eater. Dang, was I hungry! But something must have worked, because now I have to tell Mama “Okay, enough milk already!”

Fat and sassy

It probably helps that I’ve been feeding more frequently. These days we have breakfast, and then second breakfast, then a nap, then lunch, then afternoon tea. I feel like a freakin’ hobbit. By that time, I’m ready for another nap.

I’m so full, it’s like Thanksgiving every day! At least, that’s what I hear tell about Turkey Day. Personally, milk is still my preferred soporific.

Lucy crunches

So, I’m feeling really good, and ready to bulk out some more. Whenever I’m in my swing, even swaddled, I always do some crunches to keep my abs in shape. Two words, baby: six pack!

p{color:gray}. Photo: Here I am demonstrating crunches in a still from one of my exercise videos.

Ironically (and I do mean _ironically,_ Alanis), it’s a vicious circle — ’cuz then I gotta make sure I chow down enough to stay the course with this training regimen! At this rate, I’ll earn the Presidential Physical Fitness Medal in no time. Until then…



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