Catching up with Lucy

Hey everybody, Lulu here. Long time no update, huh?

Silky and delicious

I’ve been pretty busy around here with the rolling and grabbing and gnawing on everything. The world is full of “awesome”:/news/2006/ill-have-the-duck/ “chewables”:/news/2006/hungry-for-the-word/, y’know that? I keep trying to roll under the futon to eat the dust bunnies, but Mamacita is keeping a sharp eye on me. Gotta stay outta trouble, right? As long as I can keep licking my bib labels, I’m a happy camper. They are so silky and delicious, I cannot resist them.

p{color:gray}. Photo (at right): No one understands why I love sucking on my bib labels so much. I don’t care.

Not my kind of food

I can, however, resist the whole sweet potato thing. Daddy-o gave me a little taste of the orange goo earlier this week, and l just don’t know about that. This food…this is not my kind of food. Milk, man, that’s what I’m about. Even the doctor said we don’t need to get into the spoonables yet (although I’m not sure how much I trust him — they poke me with metal sticks whenever I visit him). I’ll let you know when I’m ready for the starchy stuff, alright? Until then, just keep that Milky Way a-flowing.

Other adventures in the kitchen include the frolics I’m enjoying in my fabulous “exersaucer”:/news/2006/just-out-for-a-spin-in-my-convertible/. People, I dig that thing! It’s a veritable command center of fun. When I really get going, you might catch me jumping up and down in it a little. It’s got some nice springing action and makes this terrific banging noise. Sometimes I do it to show my appreciation of the swinging tunes Daddy-o sets me up with (since I can’t snap my fingers yet). Like I said “before”:/news/2006/lucy-speaks-out/, he is one hep cat. And I haven’t even mentioned his smooth moves! All I can do it stare in awe at his groove. Maybe one day, student dance like teacher.

Oh, and I suppose I should mention my forthcoming Halloween get-up. Gonna be a pirate. Yeah, that’s right. Pretty sweet, huh? Mamacita made me a pint-sized eyepatch and everything, though I must say I don’t exactly love wearing that. There goes the stereo vision! Captain Papa and his pirate wench have been trying to get me to say “arrgh!” in the spirit of things and all. It’s a laugh riot! I love watching them say it, gives me the giggles every time. But I’m building up some real pirate rage that’s going to come out on Halloween. (Here’s an inside tip: don’t miss “The Daily Lucy”:/news/category/the-daily-lucy/ on the 31st!) Yeah, you betcha.



2 Replies to “Catching up with Lucy”

  1. Lucy you are amazing and have such a delightful laugh. Come over for a playdate anytime. Can’t wait to see you in your pirate costume. Madeleine is working on her roar. She’s going to be a lion cub. Happy First Halloween Beautiful Lucia.

    Dori and Madeleine

  2. Arghh! alittle pirate, huh? Mo is a little lamb and has had Bahh down since birth.

    Don’t worry Lucy, you will find that some of that non-milk stuff is pretty good. Mo really enjoys Del Monte’s Turkey & Sweet potato. He likes Mommy’s pears too! Of course anything portable that fits in his mouth is pretty cool right now! Cheddar goldfish are the only reason mommy can sit through the entire worship service!

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