Yet again this year, we are sending out a blank Mad Lib for the fun-loving among you to create your very own version of a Boyd holiday letter. But if you’re curious about the official version, read on.

Our 2015 Mad Lib
Ann celebrated her (ordinal number) birthday with a party at her favorite (type of business). Rosie (7) and Lucy (9) left the U.S. for the first time on our trip to (country). In July, Jon saw (musical group) play (number) nights in a row, their final shows ever. We marked our fifteenth (event) this fall by dressing up in our (garments) and going out for dinner. Lucy can’t stop (gerund), and Rosie can’t stop practicing (pl. n.). It’s been quite a year.
We wish you a (adj.) Christmas and a happy (n.)!
The factual version
Ann celebrated her fortieth birthday with a party at her favorite ice cream shop. Rosie (7) and Lucy (9) left the U.S. for the first time on our trip to England. In July, Jon saw the Grateful Dead play three nights in a row, their final shows ever. We marked our fifteenth anniversary this fall by dressing up in our wedding clothes and going out for dinner. Lucy can’t stop drawing, and Rosie can’t stop practicing handstands. It’s been quite a year.
We [sincerely do] wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!