Our 2009 Mad Lib

Our 2009 Christmas card is out now, and it involves audience participation. It’s a Mad Lib. But do you want to know how we filled it in? Here’s the Boyds’ version.

Christmas Card 2009 300w

p{color:gray}. Photo: This is our Christmas postcard for 2009, taken during our late-summer vacation in Michigan.

h3. A Boyd Holiday Mad Lib

2009 has been a ______ (adj.) year for the Boyds. Lucy, age ______ (number), pretended to be a baby ______ (n.), while Rosie, age ______ (number), experienced a ______ (n.) explosion. Jon got a new ______ (n.), and Ann has been ______ (gerund) lots of ______ (pl. n.). We wish you a ______ (adj.) Christmas and a happy ______ (n.)!

h3. The Factual Version

2009 has been a big year for the Boyds. Lucy, age three, pretended to be a baby kitten, while Rosie, age one, experienced a language explosion. Jon got a new job, and Ann has been baking lots of treats. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

h3. Our Mad-Libbed Version

2009 has been a sparkly year for the Boyds. Lucy, age 3.1415, pretended to be a baby refrigerator, while Rosie, age 42, experienced a whoopie-cushion explosion. Jon got a new Mack truck, and Ann has been chewing lots of dust bunnies. We wish you a stinky Christmas and a happy poodle!

4 Replies to “Our 2009 Mad Lib”

  1. What a pleasure it is to celebrate this Christmas with our loves. We wish you – and all of your friends – a healthy and happy New Year in 2010. We are so fortunate to share each and every day with love in our hearts. As always, I send you my love…

  2. In going through my parents’ Christmas cards, my husband and I enjoyed completing your Holiday Mad Lib. Here it is:
    2009 has been an annoying year for the Boyds. Lucy, age 24 pretended to be a baby parachute, while Rosie, age 3 experienced a bell explosion. Jon got a new grocery list, and Ann has been disciplining lots of catfish. We wish you a swollen Christmas and a happy spinal cord!
    Thanks for the fun and Happy New Year!
    –Julie (Max Hollingshead’s sister)

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