Taken September 7, 2006. Continue reading “Dark and deep”
Taken July 15, 2006. Continue reading “Attentive”
In good hands
Taken September 9, 2006. Continue reading “In good hands”
Taken August 15, 2006. Continue reading “Thoughtful”
Somebody get this baby offa me
Taken July 6, 2006. Continue reading “Somebody get this baby offa me”
No way! Papa’s 40?
Taken August 25, 2006. Continue reading “No way! Papa’s 40?”
The Hundredth
Taken September 3, 2006. This is the 100th Daily Lucy! You can see them all at a glance in the “Daily Lucy visual index”:/news/category/the-daily-lucy/. Continue reading “The Hundredth”
Taking it all in
Taken April 27, 2006, at two days old. Continue reading “Taking it all in”
So then I says to the guy, I says…
Taken August 27, 2006. Continue reading “So then I says to the guy, I says…”
Taken September 2, 2006. Continue reading “Gleam”