Rosie on January 24, 2009. Continue reading “Ba! Ba! Ba! #3”
Last Christmas, Lucy first consciously enjoyed Christmas, as a lover of Christmas lights and stars (which she called “dah-doh” at the time). But this year she enjoyed just about everything about Christmas. Continue reading “Airborne”
Hands up
Ann, Rosie, and Lucy on December 21, 2008. Continue reading “Hands up”
Our germy family
This week has been another in a series of experiments: is it possible for one member of our family to catch a cold without it spreading to all other members? Continue reading “Our germy family”
This is the way the Lady rides
Lucy, Rosie, and Ann on November 30, 2008. Continue reading “This is the way the Lady rides”
Wipe Out: The Next Generation
Rosie on November 14, 2008. Continue reading “Wipe Out: The Next Generation”
Getting funky
Lucy (with a brief appearance by Rosie and President-Elect Obama) on November 10, 2008. Continue reading “Getting funky”
Feeding time
Rosie and Lucy on November 6, 2008. Continue reading “Feeding time”
The Seven Hundredth
Rosie on November 14, 2008 — featured in the seven-hundredth “Daily Boydling”:/news/category/the-daily-lucy/. Thanks for watching! Continue reading “The Seven Hundredth”
HarvestFest 2008
Where can Lucy go to see sheep, goats, pigs, cows, chickens, and tiny kittens? Plus get knocked over by a giant dog? “Circle M Farm”:, of course. Continue reading “HarvestFest 2008”