Lucy became fast friends with Gwen, a cat at “Circle M Farm”: when we visited our friends the Marions this November. She insisted I take this BFF snap of them together. Continue reading “Farm friends”
Monkey sisters
Lucy and Rosie had a lot of fun on Halloween 2009. Continue reading “Monkey sisters”
That’s my girl
Lucy on November 2, 2009, wrapped up in watching game 5 of the World Series between the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees. Continue reading “That’s my girl”
Isn’t it great to have a big sister?
Lucy and Rosie, in late summer 2009, sharing an unprompted, delighted hug. We’re glad Mama had her cellphone camera handy to snap it! Continue reading “Isn’t it great to have a big sister?”
Water play
Rosie on June 18, 2009, getting just a little splashy at the water table. Continue reading “Water play”
Too high?
Rosie on July 25, 2009, perched on the edge of her chair, pondering her exit strategy. Continue reading “Too high?”
Lucy on October 16, 2009, wanting her picture taken with Papa’s new phone. Continue reading “Moment”
Front-seat time
Lucy on July 26, 2009, during a daddy-daughter outing to watch planes at O’Hare and grab some soft-serve. Continue reading “Front-seat time”
Summer memories
Rosie on August 6, 2009. Continue reading “Summer memories”
Rosie and Lucy on July 14, 2009 (putting Lucy’s new tricycling skills to the test). Continue reading “Tricycle”