Three weeks

Yesterday was Lucy’s three-week birthday. It is hard to believe how much our lives have changed in that time! Many people advise us (wisely) to cherish these days with her, whether they are joyful or challenging. Jon and I are doing a pretty good job of enjoying each day, but there are definitely things we are looking forward to in the future. Continue reading “Three weeks”

Our apologies, Cubs fans

On the day Lucy was born, April 25, the Cubs won. At that point, they had won nearly two-thirds of their games, standing at 12 wins and 7 losses. Since then, they’ve won only 3 games in 18. We sincerely apologize for the disruption to the Cubs’ play that the birth of Lucy has caused.

Weird reading of the day

I keep thinking about this paragraph from “_The Happiest Baby on the Block_”: :

“Some people say that babies eat like ‘little pigs,’ but even piggies have a hard time holding a candle to a baby. Every day, young infants ‘snort down’ about three ounces of milk for every pound of their body weight. That’s equivalent to an adult drinking five gallons of whole milk a day, seven days a week. No wonder they eat so often.”

That’s a lot of milk. Lucy is our little piggy.

Must-have hardware

Since Ann has written about “labor tricks that worked”:/news/2006/labor-tricks-that-worked-and-didnt/, I figure maybe I should post about some of the “hardware” we’re most glad to have in the house these days. The baby-commerce industry is massive and “strange”:/news/2006/what-would-lennon-say/, and we’ve found the best tools aren’t necessarily what we would have predicted. Continue reading “Must-have hardware”