A special *video* Daily Lucy, shot January 26, 2007.
It’s a 4.6 MB download and runs 24 seconds.
p{color:gray}. Note: If you can’t see the video, you may simply need to update your free “QuickTime”:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ plugin.
All Boyds, all the time.
A special *video* Daily Lucy, shot January 26, 2007.
It’s a 4.6 MB download and runs 24 seconds.
p{color:gray}. Note: If you can’t see the video, you may simply need to update your free “QuickTime”:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ plugin.
My dear Lucia,
It is that wonderful smile that shows how happy you are sitting on Mama’s lap. Love makes you glow and your parents have filled you with that precious commodity – just as you have filled their hearts (and ours!) with love. I send you my love always…
Well, Benjamin loves the video daily lucy – of course, he thinks all babies are Ella, but that’s okay!