Bring it on: The labor post

So much for “getting some rest”:/news/2006/early-labor/, as we had hoped: Ann’s contractions have kept steady and increased in intensity all evening — way too much for her to ignore.

She spent some time in the tub, and listened for a while to _Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason,_ and that helped keep her comfy for a bit. But then she started to get chilly and distracted, so she’s been out in the living room now for the last couple hours.

_April 24, 11:30ish_ — Jon: “Would you like to “frost some cupcakes”:/news/2006/labor-projects/ now?” Ann: “I do not know _what_ I was thinking!”

_April 25, 12:07 AM_ — Ann: “This is not as glamorous as I thought it’d be.”

_12:17_ — Her contractions are more frequent that we expected, giving a nice breather but not a very long one: averaging just about 2:30 per cycle. But the contractions last only about :40, so we’re still holding off calling Jenny the Midwife again. But I think Dora’s gonna get a ring in a minute here.

_1:15 AM_ — Dora’s been here for a while, and Ann’s been regular like clockwork, with pretty intense contractions. We just talked with Jenny the Midwife, and Ann is now eating a little bite (though without much appetite) and then we’re going to pack up and head to Evanston Hospital to meet Jenny there. Hooray!

We’ll post more right here when we can.

5 Replies to “Bring it on: The labor post”

  1. Hey Guys, I was up at 5 thinking about you as well….nursing a baby is always a good time to pray. I have to say Ann, it sounds like you are doing well….if you are thinking of frosting cupcakes and Jon is able to post on your blog.

    Cant wait to hear the news. I will be praying today. Enjoy meeting your little daughter and getting aquainted.

    Nicole Wetzel

  2. Jon & Ann! Long time no see…but you’re in our thoughts and prayers too, for a safe and QUICK delivery. :) What an exciting time!!! Jen Dao

  3. I have been checking the site about every 10 or 20 seconds because it’s so exciting…uh, I guess you guys are a LITTLE busy though, huh?

    Keeping you all in prayer today and trusting that all is well!

    God’s peace

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