Last night after a church meeting, Jon and I were hungry — so we decided to make a late-night outing to our local diner for pancakes. (I ended up getting blintzes — more protein for baby!) It seemed like the sort of spontaneous thing one should do before a baby is born, and it made me think: What other spontaneous things should we be doing?
Lots of baby books advise new parents to take a trip, or go out to the movies, or go out for a fancy dinner before the baby arrives — you won’t be able to do these things after baby comes! Jon and I have done a few of these things, but the fact is this: we are homebodies. We love to stay at home, work on various projects, read, watch movies, cook, and snuggle. So, maybe I’m naive, but I don’t really think we are going to miss our “going out on the town” lifestyle, because we don’t really *have* that lifestyle! And we like it that way.
Of course, we’ll make sure to hire a babysitter and go out for dinner every once in awhile once the baby arrives, but mostly I’m looking forward to our cozy, homey lifestyle — but *with* a baby. And with a bit less sleep than we are accustomed to.
“*We* were hungry”? “*We* wanted pancakes”? I think all our readers might be able to tell who it really was who said, “I want pancakes! Let’s go out for pancakes!” :)
True, I was the pancake-craver. But *you* were definitely hungry! It is funny that you got french toast — neither of us actually got panckaes.