O Jerusalem, by Laurie R. King

One way that I can tell I’m caring for my _second_ baby is that I’m not constantly reading parenting books while I’m nursing. This frees up a bit of time for some non-baby-related reading, which is quite refreshing after a day of full of diapers, string cheese, and the exclamation, “No like it!”

O Jerusalem, by Laurie R. King

My current nursing book: _O Jerusalem_ , by Laurie R. King. This is actually the fifth book in her Mary Russell series, which I’ve been enjoying over the past few years. The series begins with “_The Beekeeper’s Apprentice_”:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0312427360/octothorppres-20, when Mary is a teenager and encounters an older, retired Sherlock Holmes who has taken up beekeeping in his later years. They are both perceptive, brilliant, and ornery, and they strike up a mentoring relationship. Mary grows and becomes a true colleague of Holmes’, and the rest of the series chronicles various cases they undertake together.

_O Jerusalem_ takes place in Palestine in 1918, with Mary disguised as an Arab youth, accompanying Holmes on an adventure with two Bedouin spies.

These novels are fabulous — well-written, exciting, and not too gory or frightening. They are just right for a nursing mom who wants to wind down with something totally unrelated to her current life at the end of the day.

Considered in this review: “_O Jerusalem_”:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0553581058/octothorppres-20, by Laurie R. King.

8 Replies to “O Jerusalem, by Laurie R. King”

  1. I must have supper fast let down because the longest I ever spend nursing is 15 min. and that is a long nurse, I think the average is five. Half of that time is watching poor lydia drown in my milk (I try to express some so she doesn’t have to speed eat, but when it comes it comes). I just finished francine river’s book Redeeming Love…you would love it!

  2. Ann,

    I miss the days when Phare would take 40 min to nurse so I could read. I managed the whole Potter series, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and some polar exploration books too. I admit I also read Weissbluth over and over and over. I have never been a reader by any means, but am now addicted to books. Currently my novel of choice, and all time favorite is Jane Eyre, but I only get about five minutes a pop! Frustrating!

    I was wondering if it would still be possible for me to read with the next baby and it sounds like you have found a way!

    I hope all is well with you, and that you are managing okay. Your children are adorable! I appreciate your candor and humility very much. I think you are doing a great job.


  3. I can’t imagine ever reading while nursing – it was a pretty athletic pursuit for us. None of my four ever nursed more than 10 minutes on a side and there was much looking around and talking. By the 3rd and 4th, nursing had to happen in a dark bedroom, because the house was just too loud and interesting elsewhere. I didn’t read much at all for a decade, really, except for books out loud to kids. But once they were toddlers and relatively safe I realized I’d be left alone in the bathroom for short stretches, and so I kept novels in there. The hemorrhoids were worth it! And now Maggie, my 14-year-old does the same thing. If we haven’t seen her for a few hours, we can find her in the tub with a stack of books and magazines. I guess the house still isn’t very quiet!

  4. My babies all seem to need to nurse for at least 30 min each time, so I get a few chunks of reading time here and there. Of course, this happens mainly when Lucy is asleep or when Jon is caring for her. The other nursing activity: watching _Mary Poppins_ with my toddler!

    Bekah, I’ve been meaning to welcome you to our little community here! It is great to read your comments, and I look forward to getting to know you better! Thanks for joining in the fun. :)

  5. I really enjoyed reading while nursing! Now that both are older, they occasionally allow me some reading time, but not often. The book sounds good. Of course I love to read historical fiction like Anne Perry and Owen Parry.

  6. I did a ton of reading when Abby was nursing since a short nursing was 30 minutes. It’s how I got hooked on the Mitford series by Jan Karon. I agree with Katrina that books by Francine Rivers are usually a good read. I liked her Mark of the Lion series set during the heyday of Rome. If you’re into historical fiction Bodie and Brock Thoene have some *amazing* series about WWII, the reinstatement of Israel as a nation, and Jesus’ ministry years.

    Thanks for the book recommendation, Ann – since you say it’s not too frightening, I might check it out! :)

  7. Reading during nursing happened during the early days with Benjamin, but never really happened with Ella. They were both just too fast at nursing (15 minutes was a long nursing session). Plus most of the time (with Ella anyway) I was too busy with Benjamin. If I did read while nursing, I opted for magazine articles, since I could read them in that short amount of time.

    I read tons – having 2 toddlers doesn’t seem to have slowed me down. I read during their nap time, before I go to bed at night, if they are both playing well I might read for a few minutes on the couch or if we all go outside to our fenced in backyard, sometimes I’ll read while they play. Lately, Benjamin likes to look in my books to see where the pictures are (which of course, there are none). I’m looking forward to when he’s a bit older and we can start reading chapter-books out loud together.

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