Yet again this year, we are sending out a blank Mad Lib for the fun-loving among you to create your very own version of a Boyd holiday letter. But if you’re curious about the official version, read on.

Our 2016 Mad Lib
This year we had a blast on our first family trip to (number) Flags to (verb) roller coasters. Lucy (10) and Rosie (8) love having their own (pl. n.). Jon went to Switzerland with (person), where they rode lots of (vehicles). We cheered big time as the Chicago Cubs won the (place) Series. Ann has been taking advantage of her new spare (n.) in the basement. Jon turned (number) and we celebrated by renting a (machine).
We wish you a (adj.) Christmas and a happy (n.)!
The factual version
This year we had a blast on our first family trip to Six Flags to ride roller coasters. Lucy (10) and Rosie (8) love having their own bedrooms. Jon went to Switzerland with his Dad, where they rode lots of trains. We cheered big time as the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Ann has been taking advantage of her new spare oven in the basement. Jon turned fifty and we celebrated by renting a convertible.
We [sincerely do] wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!