Pruning the Leaves

Sometimes if you really love something, you have to let it go — especially when you can’t walk through the basement without tripping over it anymore.

Ann and I have been culling our large collection of books, keeping only titles that meet one of these three criteria:

  1. We expect to reread it ourselves
  2. We regard this particular copy as irreplaceable (because of market or sentimental value)
  3. We would loan it out to others

Even with such relatively loose criteria, we are weeding out close to 700 volumes. There are some truly great books in this pile, but if all goes as planned, we won’t miss them much. (Soon I’ll post a list of the titles we’re ditching, since some of you have asked.)

These 35+ bags of books are going to a charitable organization called “Books4Cause”:, which is (in their own words) “a self-sustaining, for-profit social venture whose mission is to capitalize on the value of the book to fund literacy initiatives locally, nationally and around the world.” And don’t worry, we still have plenty of books left! We figure we have around 1,500 volumes left.

Here’s what it looked like as I went through one corner of our basement “stacks,” first pulling titles to be given away, then filling the shelves back up with titles consolidated from other shelves. This video runs at 20x true speed.

“Inter folia fructus, non multa sed bona.” That is, among leaves there is fruit, and it’s not a matter of quantity but quality.

2 Replies to “Pruning the Leaves”

  1. Love that it’s not in QuickTime! Great video. I really struggle with going through my books, but I’ve managed to cull a large number in recent years. Our home is filling up too quickly to try and manage stuff that we don’t need.

  2. Wow! Awesome video! Yeah, someday. We haven’t even unpacked all of our books that we put in the barn when we moved here 5 months ago. Oh, I mean 5 years ago. LOVE books! Jon, I just got the article about you, and books, published in the magazine that purchased it last year. I’m in a publication right next to Wendell Berry and Gene Logsdon! Thanks to you…

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