When you’re not getting enough rest, the disorientation and diminished mental capacity can make it hard to recognize the problem yourself. But here are seven sure-fire warning signs.
You know you’re sleep-deprived when:
* it’s noon before you realize you’re wearing your shirt backwards
* you dream that Erma Bombeck is the pitching coach for the Chicago Cubs
* you discover you’ve been using your nursing pad as a coaster
* you start hallucinating that the tidy little pile of wrapped up, used newborn diapers is a fresh order of _bao_ (Chinese steamed pork buns)
* “Yes, I’m a member of Al Qaeda. Yes, I may be considered an enemy combatant of the United States. Yes, I will sign the statement you’ve written for me. No, I don’t want to talk to an attorney. Will you please just let me sleep now?”
* the furnace, the ceiling fan, the fridge, the plumbing, and random street noise all sound as if they’re saying, “Mama!”
* you feel just as energetic and refreshed at 3:AM as you do at 3:PM
Not that any of these have been happening to us!
Oh, friends. I can remember (sort of, like I remember scenes in movies) those days of sleep deprivation. Gosh. You’ll make it through. You’ll be great parents. In a year, you will have no actual recollection of the desperation you now feel. Praying for you ….
I am very sympathetic to the perils of sleep deprivation (though I suspect there is little comparison). I wish I could deliver some sleep to y’all. I will pray instead.
Praying for you in these days of transition. Strength for today, friends.
Saturday night we had one of these sleep dep. issues: Brian said that I heard Lydia make noises so I got up and got her and laid her on my bed. Then I went back to her crib (two feet away) and started frantically looking for her. Brian said he asked what I needed, “The baby, where is the baby” …. “Right here katrina” …. I turned and started frantically looking through the bedding on our bed…. “where is the baby” at that point brian picked her up and started telling me to wake up. “I am awake, damn it, where is the baby?” then I laid down and went to sleep. He then woke me up and said, “I think lydia is hungry.” I rolled on my side and nursed her. I never did wake up. Kind-of funny, but really scarry!
That’s funny, Katrina! I can remember randomly waking (half-waking?) in the middle of the night when Ella was an infant, asking James – where’s the baby – I was just nursing her, where did she go? At which point he would inform me she had been asleep in her crib for hours…. apparently I was dreaming about nursing and then woke-up and couldn’t figure out where she went…
You guys are funny! I have done the same thing of freaking out about “where’s the baby! the baby is missing!” and then realizing she or he is in the crib. We are having our own sleep deprivation issues here with an older baby who “should” be sleeping through the night, if you ask me! So hang in there – I know it gets better but I can’t tell you from this household that it happens in any kind of predictable order! I hope Rosie sleeps more soon.
Yesterday, I was so tired that I went into hysterics when one of my friends asked Mirai, “Why doesn’t your doll have any clothes on?”
She answered nonchalantly, “Because I peed all over her.”