The truth is we talk a lot around here. Not only are we generally verbal (which some of you will say is an understatement), but since we both work largely from home, Lucy hears the lion’s share of all our yakking. And she’s a quick study.
p{color:gray}. Photo: “Bra!”
Mostly, we’re proud of her growing vocabulary. But there are some words that give us pause. How long will it be before one of these rings out during a quiet moment in church, for instance?
* _fart_ (especially as in “Papa farted!”)
* _bra_
* _butt_
* _beer_ (especially combined with “more! yummy!”)
* _naked time_
* “_Lola_”:/news/2008/l-o-l-a/
* _underpants_ (fortunately, this sounds like “upperdance”)
* _nipple_
Fortunately, this is as bad as it gets so far. Be patient, though — there’s plenty of other vocabulary used around here we’ll be embarrassed about in time.
Oh those? Those are tame! We find that it’s harder and harder to watch our mouths around Daniel…though it produces quite humorous results every once in a while. Today, we had a rare butt-exploding crisis. It got so that poor Daniel cried out, “My butt’s very mad!!!”
Luckily, it only lasted about 15 minutes. Later he was able to smile and say, “My butt’s happy again!”
Yes, it is great when you realize you can’t openly talk in front of them. I said, “man I am on crack!” of course Madelyn is sure to share with the world that her mom is on crack. It is a good thing that I am a minister…especially high profile around here as the salvation army is big here and everyone knows, “my mom is on crack”. At least the word butt isn’t first….as that was a common joke (I am on crack, butt crack. I know it isn’t funny, but some how it became a common phrase in our house). The good news is that you can change their vocab pretty easily and feed them nice phrases. Maddy’s new one from her sunday school lesson is:
“Stop and Help, Go and be kind”. much nicer than the previous one.
Ella regularly says now that “Daddy’s Crazy”. Benjamin likes to run around the house naked yelling “Naked Boy!” I have also caught both of them scolding the dogs and/or cats, even if the poor animals weren’t doing anything at the time.
My toddlers were all into going “Naked Butt” – which meant running around the neighborhood buck naked. I have one picture of two of them, both naked, standing on the chest in front of my bay windows, leaning against the glass to watch me garden just outside. Hey, as long as they’re safe. One time, though, Jake decided to go naked butt while repelling on a rope down the side of the concrete front porch. This resulted in a a nasty brush burn down his entire front.
This just gets me thinking about all the times that Abby means to say a perfectly appropriate word, but because her enunciation is still limited, it sounds like a bad word. One that comes to mind right away (but has since passed) was the word “fork”. I knew what she meant when we were at meals, but sometimes she would say it out of the blue and it would catch me off guard. It was really difficult to keep my composure and not break a smile.
My name is Jim
I am a potty-mouthed parent (PMP).
While I do have a potty mouth, I’m also a nice guy.
Potty = silly = OK
Potty = scary = not OK
A tough line to walk, but I have to stick up for the silly potty talkers of the world.
You know who you are!
Too funny! Kaia has always been a quick study of words. She quickly passed the phase of repeating 4 letter words, but now she loves to say s-e-x. She also liked to talk about boobies alot. Especially when I was nursing Mo.
Mo has yet to really pick any of these up, although during our potty training discussions we talk about his “doodle” and putting his #1 and #2 in the potty. Now when we say “Where’s your doodle?” He grabs himself and laughs… Funny now, but maybe we shouldn’t have started that?
Any fun plans for Lucy’s big day? Mo’s party is this weekend! EEK
This is funny! Just the other night Nathan referred to Eli’s thermometer as the “Butt hole thermometer”. “hmmm…” I thought to myself. In “married w/out children” that term wouldn’t have caught my attention much but now, it just seems….well, crass. I also expect that Eli will soon break out with a “Bummer (dude)” when something disappointing happens or “Crap!”. That’s the one that slips out un-noticed from mom’s lips.
Ann, that is great… Katelynn is getting to where she is repeating, but not picking up most of the words that we don’t specifically “help” her with yet…
A friend of ours was giving their then 3-4 year old some dinner and decided to go “fancy” with wild rice and when their daughter saw it she said, “What the H&%% is this???” Needless to say Daddy RAN out of the room to laugh without her seeing and Mom had to try to stay composed enough until Daddy could get back and let her leave. LOL I am sure my day will come! I know there are several phrases that we say that will be repeated at the least convenient of times! hehehe
So we had a neighbor who’s child’s first inteligible phrase was “G-d Dammit”. The parents weren’t too worried about it, they kind of thought it was cute. Then the grand parents arrived. Grandma turned to mom and said, “That’s so cute, it sounds just like he’s saying ‘G-d Dammit!” (When indeed he was!)