What I learned from five days with the girls

Jon was out of town last week for five days — my first time with both girls alone for that long. We managed pretty well, but it was definitely a learning curve. Here are some of the facts, tidbits, observations, and whatnot that I picked up during that week:

  • I tried to keep my expectations low. We had five days where everyone ended up fed, clean, and loved — a success. But it was certainly a lot of work!
  • We actually did some other things, too, which pleased me. I made a list of “hope-to-do’s” and checked off almost a dozen things, including:
    ** fold laundry
    ** re-organize Rosie’s dresser
    ** wash “kitchen”:/news/2008/mopping/ “floor”:/news/2007/operation-clean-floors/
    ** “vacuum”:/news/2007/whatever-blows-your-hair-back/
    ** make “banana muffins”:/news/2008/banana-butterscotch-muffins/
    ** make “scotcheroos”:http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Chocolate-Scotcheroos/Detail.aspx
    ** tidy up the “fun”:/news/2008/pretty-big-boots-for-a-little-girl/ “room”:/news/2008/she-needs-a-cordless/
    ** make baby food (sweet potatoes)
    ** bake lemon cake
  • It is almost impossible to go on an errand in the car with all the naps. I kept thinking we might get to Target, but we just couldn’t swing it. When Jon is home, I can often dash out with Lucy while leaving him with the sleeping baby (isn’t he great?).
  • However, all this time at home definitely helps with the cleanliness factor. The kitchen was getting pretty scary.
  • Although it was difficult to run errands, we did manage to take a walk just about every day — good fun for all three of us.
  • Frozen meals are a blessing for both the time- and weight-conscious. I don’t usually like to eat frozen stuff, but it was definitely worth it to not have extra dishes to wash after the girls were asleep.
  • Nighttime is the toughest. Having to listen for both girls while I’m sleeping kept me on edge. (Rosie, of course, still needs night feedings, and Lucy has been waking up about every other night — perhaps from nightmares? — and requesting snuggles.)
  • A good night’s sleep cannot be underrated. I slept so soundly when Jon got home — it made me even more glad to have him back!
  • Gene Kelly can be a toddler’s best friend. We rented “Singin’ in the Rain“:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00006DEF9/octothorppres-20 while Jon was away, and Lucy is a huge fan now.
  • Now that Papa is back home, my life feels like a piece of cake! (But, as Grandpa Marcel would say, it’s like hitting your head against the wall so when you stop it feels good.)
  • I love my girls. We definitely had our less-than-perfect moments, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to be their Mama.

We had a special celebration for Jon’s return, as his birthday had fallen in the middle of his trip. Lucy was very enthusiastic about helping to make a lemon chiffon cake with me, and she welcomed Jon home with open arms and a whole lot to say. It’s good to be together again! (Click the “play” arrow to witness the scene.)

2 Replies to “What I learned from five days with the girls”

  1. Ann,
    My hubbie is going for only 3 days starting tomorrow. I am so afraid. I have to do Church all by myself. AHHH and manage the family, just how do you do it? thank you for the post.

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