The orderliness of a toddler

Lucy is pushing two (which she’ll hit this Friday), and we’ve always heard about how toddlers get very interested in orderliness around this age — but it’s fun to see it ourselves.

It’s not like she’s arranging her toys according to the Periodic Table or anything. But she does greatly enjoy such activities as:

* rehearsing our bedtime routines with her stuffed animals to put them down for naps
* moving all her crayons from one box to another (and then back again)
* making sure the flatbed cars are loaded with logs in her Brio train set
* arranging her bath toys in a tidy row on the edge of the tub

She has been lining up her bath toys differently every day, so we decided to document the assemblage on three consecutive evenings. Now you can enjoy the lineup as much as she does!

7 Replies to “The orderliness of a toddler”

  1. I enjoyed picture #2 where all items seem to be perfectly spaced! : )
    But wait…where’s Ducky and Spongey?

  2. My dear Lucia,
    At least now I know where my ducky is hiding. I have to keep my eye on you ALL the time. At the same time, I send you all my love…

  3. Awesome! If you are interested in some new inputs for little Lu, Montessori catalogs have a stunning array of toys and mini-sized tools that put this propensity to get organized to good use. We loved these sort of things when we were trying to homeschool older kids with toddler siblings.

  4. Now if only all toys would be organized back into the toybox! I’d be happy then. Very cute with the bath toys!

    Mo gets very upset when his hands are dirty and must have them cleaned immediately! He really hasn’t been too interested in organizing yet, but he has a very messy older sister to influence him.

  5. This is too funny. As I was reading this post, I thought ‘well, Josi doesn’t really do this.’ Then this very day I walked into her room and saw that she had set about 6 of her Little People facedown in a semi-circle near the Little People bus as if they were just busted for drugs or reckless driving or something. Aren’t our ‘little people’ funny?

    I think you need to have another baby. Your bathtub is too clean.

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