Stay-cation 2008

The Boyd Family is proud to present the tentative itinerary for our 2008 stay-cation.

Although we had originally planned a stay in lovely Madison, Wis., for a week, the overwhelming nature of packing and schlepping all the requirements of our family of four started to feel more like stress, less like vacation. And who needs more stress on vacation? We have had successful “staycations” (“vacations”:/news/2007/vacation-week/ “at home”:/news/2007/a-postcard-from-chicago/) in the past — so let’s do it again! Here are some of the activities on our list this time:

p{color:gray}. Photo: One definite possibility: Permanently freak out our daughters by exposing them to surrealist public sculpture.

* Visit the “Lincoln Park Zoo”:
* Mama gets to swim some laps, maybe at the “Portage Park”: pool?
* Take Lucy to a water-play park
* Walk with the girls up to “Dairy Star”:/news/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/img_7983.JPG for a frozen treat
* Mama gets a pedicure
* At least two date nights for the grown-ups. We’ve already had one successful date last night at “Café Marbella”: for tapas — yum!
* Nap as much as possible (goal: every day)
* Buy some yummy cheese for an at-home cheese course dessert
* Buy a big bed for Lucy from IKEA
* Take Lucy to a movie _(Wall-E?)_
* Order pizza
* Papa takes Lucy for a trip on the El
* Eat sushi
* Bake something yummy
* Read
* Take lots of walks — only eight more pounds to go until Mama reaches her pre-pregnancy weight!

3 Replies to “Stay-cation 2008”

  1. Hey we are doing the same thing next week! Movie for Maddy is on the list along with parks, walks, sleep and screening phone calls. Hope you have a great time.

  2. Andy took the boys and Naomi to see Wall-E….and now Naomi says that she is afraid of Robots….like one is afraid of monsters….she will not go upstairs without the light on or one of us….and she is always hearing robots.

    Hope that you have a beautiful time. I think stay-cations are wonderful.

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