We are starting to get the hang of the two-baby thing over here. I’m very glad for that. Now the next project is breaking my hourly chocolate fix.
I’m a firm believer in soothing rituals. Everyone needs a little self-imposed TLC throughout the day. Cigarette breaks, an afternoon shot of espresso, coffee cake in the lunchroom, a walk in the fresh air — everyone needs some ways to take a mental breather.
p{color:gray}. Photo: Rosie’s already soothed: milk is her fix.
Before Rosie was born, I had several soothing rituals that I was able to deploy during the day at different times. Here are a few:
* Reading a parenting magazine “while Lucy looked on with me”:/news/2006/magazine-readers/. “Lucy, let’s look at pictures of babies!” Often, Lucy would grab a magazine herself and thumb through it on her own.
* Listening to an audiobook in the car while running an errand with Lucy. We’re still not quite finished with the “_Little House_”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_House_on_the_Prairie series.
* Going for a walk with Lucy in the “stroller”:/news/2007/cutie-times-nine/.
* Cooking while Lucy played in the “fun room”:/news/2007/dizzy/ (for short periods).
* Taking a break while “Lucy watched a short video”:/news/2008/stagehand/.
* Eating some “chocolate”:/news/2006/fudgy-mexican-brownies/.
Since things have gotten more complicated around here, I don’t have quite the same repertoire available to me. Lucy has started talking so much that audiobooks in the car don’t work quite as well, videos are mainly reserved for times that Mama needs to nurse the baby, and the weather has mostly been too cold and yucky to take a newborn out in it for a walk.
So, there’s one thing that is left: eating chocolate. And, boy, have I been doing my share. Between mini candy bars, frozen confections, and my own baked creations, there has been a lot of sugar consumption. Adding to the compulsiveness of this behavior is the way I sneak these treats when Lucy isn’t watching, since I don’t want her to follow my example and eat sweets all day long. I’ve become the fastest Cookie Monster in Chicago, and I don’t just draw the line at cookies.
I knew this had to change sometime, and I’ve been giving myself a bit of grace on this front for a few weeks. But Rosie turns four weeks old tomorrow, my voracious post-partum appetite is beginning to slow down, and the sugar-fix isn’t having quite the soothing effect that it did at the beginning. I must find some alternatives! Any ideas? I have a lot of hope that walks in the sunshine will help, once we get some consistently pleasant weather. Until then, I’ll just keep baking cookies and freezing them in a desperate attempt not to eat the whole batch at once!
I am personally a big fan of a bubble bath. Of course, this has to be done at naptime or once someone else is there to watch the kiddos.
When Ella was newborn, I took Benjamin’s afternoon nap time as my break regardless of whether Ella was asleep or not. So, if she was up, I would put her on the floor for tummy time or on her back in the play gym or in the bouncy and lay on the floor with her and rest or read a book. Obviously if she needed tending to, I would take care of her, but I tried to take as much of a break as possible – even if that “break” was watching TV while bouncing her on our big ball or feeding her.
With Benjamin I was pretty big on getting him to sleep on his own in the crib for nap times, but with Ella, if it was during Benjamin’s naptime, when she was little and she wouldn’t go down in the crib easily, I would just swaddle her up and hold her while watching a movie or reading a book. I figured, if she slept longer and gave me more of a break with me holding her, then she could learn to sleep in her crib later (which she learned just fine).
One thing that changed drastically for me after Ella was born was my complete reversal of when I cleaned the house. Prior to Ella, I would do a lot of straightening, laundry, dishes, etc. during nap time. Once Ella was born and nap time became a necessary resting time for me, I started taking advantage of Benjamin’s awake time as time for cleaning.
I have to admit though, that chocolate has always been a favorite of mine as well. I like to buy the dove dark chocolate candies, because I can eat just one and then don’t feel as bad as if I ate a whole brownie or something like that!
I”ve been eating leftover Easter candy over here. And I’ve made 2 batches of those no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies in 3 days. Hmmm … I also ate 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies a few weeks ago. Technically, I guess I ate 3 boxes minus 3 cookies that I gave to Evan. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in the new baby plus comfort food department.
I usually try to only reward myself with candy during Evan’s naptime. I sit with Corrie, nurse, check email, and have a snack.
Some other foody treats we’ve enjoyed: iced tea, peanut butter crackers, good cheese, apples and pears. These I don’t have to limit to Evan’s naptime.
It’s hard to think of ways to give yourself a break or a treat WHILE entertaining a toddler and caring for a newborn. For outside activities, I would suggest Garfield Park conservatory, McDonalds playland, or a mall with a play area (North Riverside is closest to me and OK for a toddler).
My friends get busted by their kids all the time… one day you’re going to hear Lucy nail you with “I smell chawk-lit! What’s that chawklit smell, Mommy?” :)
I sneak candy/chocolate too, but Maddy sees every now and then & says, “maddy snack too?” Then I feel guilty. But oh well.
I’m totally going to get busted soon. Maybe I should try sneaking broccoli and it will have a forbidden fruit effect?
With two, the options for a break are tough. I find that I have two times in the day that naturally give me 3-5 minute breaks- laundry changing time and bathroom time. My laundry machine is downstairs, so once the kids are occupied and things are babyproofed enough that I know Kevin won’t hurt himself upstairs, I go downstairs to change the laundry and say a prayer- just a short check-in with God. Then, bathroom breaks. When I use the toilet, I close the door (again, after babyproofing) and even if kids are screaming this is my time for a prayer check-in. These aren’t nearly as exciting as eating chocolate, but they are things that happen every day (or nearly, in the case of laundry with 2 kids 3 yrs. and under!), and they’re easy cues in the day to take time out and rest.
I’ve been waiting for an appropriate time to share a story with you, and all this chocolate stuff seems to provide the opportunity. Last Monday when Lucy spent the night with us, she shared a bit more of her growing vocabulary. It came to light as she (like her Mama) was enjoying a Dove-mini ice cream bar – the chocolate circled her mouth in a most appealing way, she licked her lips, and said ‘tasteee!’ with a big smile. Man oh man, she can just blow me away. The only negative part of this story? That was the last Dove bar and I did not get my share. No matter. I send you my love in any case…