Mama and Lucy shot on September 13, 2008.
It’s a 7.1 MB download and runs 0’57”.
h5. BNN Flashback
“2 years ago”:/news/2006/09/16/ today
All Boyds, all the time.
Mama and Lucy shot on September 13, 2008.
It’s a 7.1 MB download and runs 0’57”.
h5. BNN Flashback
“2 years ago”:/news/2006/09/16/ today
ha ha! That’s how I roll my R’s too. Never could do it right. Always wished I could. BUT! I’d much rather say “satisfactory” the way Lucy says it! It sounds so much more fun!
I agree! “Satispackity”!
Such a cute video! I love that you are teaching your child to say “rum” punch. : )
Our Marie is EXTREMELY articulate. Seriously, she sounds like a 30 year old. There are just a few words that are funny but we refuse to correct because they are so darn cute. and since she says everything else so clearly we don’t want to mess with the few adorable ones…
lellow (yellow)
brefakst (breakfast)
My gosh, that is just hysterical! That’s for YouTube!