Packing it on

We have been noticing that Rosie has been “gaining weight really well”:/news/2008/double-chin/ over the past several weeks, so we were especially curious to see what she weighed when we went to the doctor this past week for her (almost) two-month checkup. We were amazed!

p{color:gray}. Photo: Too big now to wear Mr. Potato Head’s hat.

Rosie weighed in at an even 12 pounds (as of Friday, May 2). This means she gained four full pounds in five weeks — or about two ounces every day! I just keep laughing to myself about this. Especially with the concerns we had about nursing and Lucy’s “weight”:/news/2006/first-outing/ “gain”:/news/2006/three-events/ in her early days, I never thought I’d have a baby that grew so fast as this. Rosie also grew two inches in height during the past five weeks in addition to packing on the pounds, so she is around the 90th percentile for both weight and height. I’m glad I trusted my hunch and bought size 2 diapers for our next package!

Lucy experienced the joy of the doctor’s appointment, too — we managed to schedule both Rosie’s two-month and Lucy’s two-year checkup for the same visit. She is perfectly healthy, and has coincidentally also gained four pounds (although that’s over a period of six months) and also grown about two inches. That puts her at 25.5 lbs (33rd percentile) and almost 35 inches (73rd percentile), which is right on track with her growth pattern from the very beginning. Papa noted that, if we take seriously the theory that doubling the child’s two-year-old height equals their adult height, Lucy will grow up to be a stately 5′ 10″.

p{color:gray}. Photo: Two sisters together, growing every day!

There was a certain amount of freaking out during the examination and vaccinations, but Lucy got over it and enjoyed her six-M&M treat after the hard part was all done. My latest theory is that Lucy felt uncomfortable being mostly naked for so long. I think next time we might bring along a little robe for her.

Since we are on the topic of weight, Mama is glad to announce that she is joyfully beginning to “count”:/news/2006/shedding-the-extras/ “points”:/news/2006/weigh-day/ again, à la “Weight Watchers”: (So is Papa, for that matter.) This feels like a very positive step. I’ve been enjoying not thinking too hard about calories over the past seven weeks, but now feels like a good time to start paying a bit more attention to the scale and enjoying more strawberries and carrots rather than cookies. Since I was able to slim down to my “pre-pregnancy weight”:/news/2007/weighing-in/ after Lucy was born, I’m confident I can do it again! Just twenty-five pounds to go. :) I’m counting on Rosie’s nursing to keep on helping me with this project!

7 Replies to “Packing it on”

  1. I bet you that it will be easier this time, especially with rosie eating so well. Lydia has gone from 6.12 to 11.4 (last tuesday’s weigh in) and I have 12 lbs to go. But maddy more than doubled her weight when she was 3 months old and I last weight REALLY fast. So maybe the more they eat that faster you loose!

  2. The good news is spring is a great time to start counting. With all the fresh foods that start coming in, I always do better in the spring and summer!

    I can’t believe how fast Rosie is growing! She is adorable.

  3. Jon,
    can you help me with starting a blog for a mothers group I run? I want to do it in wordpress, but really don’t get it. I am not sure if the free blog from them will work or if I need to pay to have more options.

  4. Experimenting with a free, hosted blog at is a great way to go; I highly recommend it. You’re unlikely to need more options for a basic blog, though it is possible (depending on your group’s needs). Give it a shot, and be sure to read the excellent documentation that they provide about how things work. If you have specific questions, let me know by email.

  5. Ann I wanted to tell you that yesterday I was picking up some chocolates at Target for our Annual Meeting. Whitman’s and Weight Watchers have teamed up to make candy. I got a bag of the Coconut covered in milk chocolate. Each candy bite is 1 pt each and they are soooo good! FYI for your next chocolate craving.

  6. Tysa, thanks for the tip! I love coconut, so I’ll definitely check out those chocolates! We’ve recently been enjoying a bag of tiny-sized Reese’s Whipps. They’re like a cross between Reese’s peanut butter cups and 3 Musketeers, and they are 1 point each too!

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