Our big dumpling

We knew that Rosie has been growing really well and seems rather big for her age. But it wasn’t until yesterday that we learned just *how* big. Turns out that if there were 100 babies in the world, she’d be the biggest one.

p{color:gray}. Photo: Only 9 pounds lighter than Lucy, two years older.

We’ve been pretty interested to get some hard facts on this girl’s rate of growth, so we faced this four-month well-baby visit with some enthusiasm. While in the waiting room, Jon and I even made preliminary guesses aloud to each other. Mama was very pleased when her guess proved to be exactly correct, to the very ounce: 17 lbs 5 oz! That puts Rosie at the 99th percentile in weight for babies her age. Her height measured 26″ — the 98th percentile. We’ve got one big baby on our hands! “Dr. Minkus”:http://www.enh.org/apps/findadoctor/doctor.aspx?docid=244&lid=1789 even did a couple of reps with her like a dumbbell to squeeze in his daily workout. He particularly lauded her ability to roll over (which she has been doing for almost a month), saying that many big babies don’t roll over until comparatively late due to their extra baggage.

Lucy was very supportive of Rosie during her well-baby visit, especially during the vaccinations, encouraging Rosie to “be very brave.” I was grateful that Jon could join us on this doctor visit — since I’m not entirely sure I can handle a 90-minute doctor’s appointment with a 70%-potty-trained toddler and a nursing baby. Maybe things will get a little easier in a few months!

4 Replies to “Our big dumpling”

  1. Wow! that is great!! Can she roll both ways? Lydia is a tummy to back roller, but only by accident does she go the other way. Lydia at five months is now a big 13 lbs, not sure on the length, but looking at the pics from last week Rosie is longer. That is so fun.

  2. Wow! She’s a cutie. Isn’t it funny how kids can be so different?

    As far as doctor visits go, a group of women from our church have made a pact that none of us will take additional children with us to doctor’s appointments if we don’t have to – we’ll just trade babysitting. After taking Evan to Corrie’s 2 month appointment and talking to him through the whole thing, I felt like I missed my chance to focus on her. My mom was here for Corrie’s 4 month, so Grandma hung out with Evan in the waiting room. He got to come in to say hi to our doctor, but then he wasn’t there for the shots and main conversation.

  3. Ann,

    I dont know how I would get through the day without our boys. And to think that 11 years ago I thought nothing of leaving the house with my twins…on days when I have just the girls I do get a bit concerned.

    What great news from your visit. Rosie is a beautiful baby! Good work mama!

  4. wow. she could totally take ephraim. he just had his 4 month check up (and shots…sadness) and is only 13 lbs 9 oz and 25 inches.
    your gals are super cute.
    glad to put you back in the loop on the new website too!
    naps are going better for us, but today was a wretched day…lots of screaming, little napping. i still have to get a copy of that book you recommended…

    peace to you.

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