A video Daily Lucy, shot January 17, 2008.
It’s a 3.0 MB download and runs 0’24”. The tune is (of course) “The Sign” by Ace of Base.
p{color:gray}. Note: If you can’t see the video, you may simply need to update your free “QuickTime”:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ plugin.
She thinks you’re crazy, Jon.
Mo has watched this twice and is begging for more.
Lol, awesome! Definitely the best video yet! I love how Lucy looks like she’s caught by the camera and then decides to play it cool. And Jon, what are you wearing?!? =)
My mom says it looks like I just got out of prison. :)
Ella is on the floor next to me watching this and is dancing, too!
I am wondering if Andy and I had so much fun as new parents. It is delightful to see the joy your family has together.
Jon is wearing this fabulous stripe-y jacket from Lands’ End. You should see the red lining! Too funky.
awesome! I particularly enjoyed Lucy’s dancing, then eating, then dancing again.