It’s well known that you can’t always understand what Lucy’s saying. But she sure is trying! So we’re announcing a special contest here at Boyds’ Nest News: can _you_ translate what Lucy’s brain is trying to say but her two-year-old tongue can’t quite manage?
p{color:gray}. Photo: Lucy reads widely in order to expand the vocabulary she can mangle. (Taken March 13, 2007.)
Here’s how it works:
# Go to our new “BNN Surveys”:/news/survey/ page and choose “Lucy Translations” from the drop-down menu
# Hit the “Go” button
# Fill out your answers to the 19 most mystifying things Lucy says
# Don’t forget to tell us who you are before you hit “submit”!
The contest is only open *through Sunday night* (12:01 AM CT, Monday, April 28, that is) — so don’t delay! After the quiz closes, we’ll announce winners and share some of the best answers right here at BNN.
p{color:gray}. Photo: Lucy takes notes on some of her most “innovative” pronunciations. (Taken December 1, 2007).
These 19 stumpers are things Lucy’s _currently_ says (though they’re disappearing fast, as her language skills improve). We’re not including such classics as “dah-doh” (for _star)_ or “bwah-boh” (for _diaper)_ — baby-talk that she’s grown out of. This contest is up-to-the-minute to help celebrate Lucy’s second birthday, this Friday.
And don’t be discouraged if you think they’re hard: because some of them _really are!_ Above all, have fun!
p{color:gray}. Photo: Lucy gets ready to telephone the lucky winners of this contest! (Taken September 19, 2007.)