The Three-Hundredth

This is the three-hundredth Daily Lucy! Please accept our apologies for the poor quality, but this is *the very first photo taken of Lucy,* less than seven seconds after her birth (and we had to tweak it pretty hard to squeeze enough image out of the file). There are plenty of other prettier pictures from her “first”:/news/2006/fresh-baby/ “few”:/news/2006/unreal/ “minutes”:/news/2006/lucy-is-here/.

The Three-Hundredth

p{color:gray}. Photo credit: Dora Winchester

Seven seconds dark

By the way, here’s what the original photo looks like, just to give you an idea of how much we needed to process it to reveal the image above.

2 Replies to “The Three-Hundredth”

  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome and personal moment with us! It has brought tears to my eyes. In about 90 days I will have the chance to experience this all over again. WOW! Amazing!

  2. By the way, you might wonder how I know so precisely that this is seven seconds after Lucy’s birth? It’s the magic of EXIF data in digital cameras, that’s how! The previous shot is of Lucy’s head just emerging, with her face not even visible yet (a shot we _won’t_ be sharing online, rest assured), and that’s time-stamped less than seven ticks before this one.

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