
So far in Lucy’s life, we’ve been able to provide her with a generally sanitary environment. Sure, she licks the floor occasionally, but I do wash it regularly and we usually don’t wear shoes in the house (much). But I’m a bit puzzled about how to relax my standards now that The Outdoors is a possible playground.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a bit hyper about germs. For example, I bring along a box of sanitizing wipes in the car so that I can disinfect the shopping cart before I put Lucy in it (because I *know* she is going to suck on the bars every time). Also, I sterilize my kitchen sponges every night in the microwave (wet them and cook for two minutes on high). It wasn’t until Lucy was about eight months old that it dawned on me that I didn’t need to sterilize her occasional bottle — washing it was just fine, and much cleaner than a lot of the other things she sucked on. As Lucy gets more mobile and more curious, I’m trying to find that sweet spot of being attentive but not obsessive. Slowly but surely I’m getting the hang of it.


However, Chicago’s lusciously warm weather this past weekend made me realize that we are going to have a whole world of dirt to deal with this summer that I can’t just bleach away. I’m proud that I’ve stopped myself from disinfecting the playground swings before Lucy sits in them, but am I truly just going to let her crawl around in the dirt eating bugs and leaves? What about her tender little knees — aren’t they going to get all roughed up? Especially on the concrete? But aren’t knee-pads a little over-the-top for a one-year-old?

p{color:gray}. Photo: Lucy, ready to dine _al fresco_ earlier this week. (No birds pooped on her Cheerios during lunch, fortunately.)

It seems like things will get a bit more manageable in this area once Lucy can walk. Sure, she’ll be faster, but she’ll be standing upright most of the time, at least two feet away from the temptation to pop carpenter ants into her mouth. And we have a little time to think about this yet, as our unseasonably warm spell seems to have passed on for the time being.

If all else fails this summer, at least Lucy enjoys taking her bath every night!

7 Replies to “Germophobe”

  1. I’m right there with you Ann, I too take sanitizing wipes with me everywhere. I also have one of those cloth shopping cart cover things to put over the cart seat. I must say we love Purell – it’s great when you are done at the playground to do a quick clean of the hands until you can get home and wash them properly. I bet Lucy will be walking by the time summer is in full gear. Benjamin was walking last summer, but still crawled some at the beginning of it and he would crawl on the concrete and his knees survived (although I definitely tried to keep him in the grass as much as possible!) As far as eating things goes – I’ve found dirt, leaves, small twigs and bugs in Benjamin’s mouth (not all at the same time, of course) and he was fine. The only thing I was ultra paranoid about was small stones since he could choke on them!

  2. What a great pic of her outdoor dining! I can hardly believe our “babies” are very nearly a year old! Wow.

    Mo has dined on dirt, which is almost impossible to remove from their mouth. He’s also dined on wood pellets, and attempted cat food (he may have swallowed some before I dug it out). This morning he was eating his sisters blue marker! Quite the look with blue lips and teeth.

    Would some of your cleanliness drift a few thousand miles over to Washington? I cannot keep our house clean, let alone a sponge. I won’t let Mo even come in the kitchen for fear of what I’ve dropped and haven’t cleaned up yet. I want to be much more clean, but I need to find a way to stop Kaia and Mo from helping me.

  3. I have had to throw in my towel. I try to keep the girl clean and then before church I found her walking down the aisle of the church stopping at each pew and licking the plaque. ick. But if you keep them too clean they won’t build a good immune system…so I give up!

  4. Toni, thanks for the link! I’ve been wondering where to buy those, and I like how you can send in your own fabric. (Also, you’re no stranger — Jon has told me about your awesome pool table! :)

  5. A few summers ago I caught Abi chewing on a rock that had a slug on the other end! (did I just admit that?) The next summer she walked into our garden area, bent down, and took a bite of growing broccoli – no hands. And this summer she’s helping to plan the garden herself. Maturity has a lot to do with defining ‘gross’ and ‘acceptable.’ I try to remember that babies learn about a new object with their mouths. And knowing that, I try to stay close to help her choose what’s OK to *learn* about. My phobia is not dirt so much, but sun exposure! Enjoy the wonderful world of the outdoors with your little explorer! Love, Keri

  6. Too funny, Ann! Just this week I’ve had to be on alert because Abby has gotten to the stage of finding things on the floor and popping them into her mouth. I’ve found a foam frog leg (bitten from a magnet), some packaging tape (taken from a cardboard box) and the backing from a sticker in her mouth. :) Is this when moms grow eyes in the back of their heads? I’d like to order mine now…

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