A special *video* Daily Lucy, shot June 30, 2007.
It’s a 3.6 MB download and runs 16 seconds.
p{color:gray}. Note: If you can’t see the video, you may simply need to update your free “QuickTime”:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ plugin.
All Boyds, all the time.
A special *video* Daily Lucy, shot June 30, 2007.
It’s a 3.6 MB download and runs 16 seconds.
p{color:gray}. Note: If you can’t see the video, you may simply need to update your free “QuickTime”:http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ plugin.
Since you can’t really tell from this peaceful video, Lucy absolutely loves her new wagon! She kneels up in the “bow” and laughs and looks all around, on top of the world.