The Lucy Files: Month 4, Day 5

“Once upon a time”:/news/2006/the-lucy-files-week-7-day-2/, we envisioned a series of posts in “The Lucy Files,” as a catch-all for miscellaneous stuff we wanted to remember but that never made it into posts of their own. We haven’t done one in “two months”:/news/2006/the-lucy-files-month-2-day-7/, so pardon us, but we’ve got some catching up to do.

Into the lens

* Lucy is the perfect photo subject, since she spontaneously loves to look right into the lens. (See photo or today’s Daily Lucy.)
* During the first week of July, she started grabbing at things. Well, maybe that’s over-stating it, but she at least convulsively flails her arms in the general direction of interesting things (toys on her swing’s lap bar, objects on a table, etc.).
* Around July 13, she started experimenting with different vocalizations (little yodels, chirps, and squeals). Our favorite is a Tarzan-like yodel: ahee-ahee-aaah….
* She has started to enjoy “tummy-time”:/news/2006/tummy-time/ a whole lot more.
* Her chirps somehow sound a lot like a tennis ball hitting a racquet — so on weekend mornings the courts across the street torment Papa who’s trying to sleep but who keeps thinking Baby is waking up
* When you pick Lucy up, she curls into a ball like you do when you “cannonball” into a swimming pool. It’s “those fabulous abs”:/news/2006/chowing-down/.
* Her clean, dry butt after a diaper change feels exactly like very soft bread dough. Actually, much like the dough of a particular biscuit recipe Mama makes.
* Lucy regularly gets the hiccups. She did it in the womb all the time, and continues to do it today. It doesn’t seem to bother her much.
* Papa composed one of our favorite toe rhymes, which starts at the baby toe: “One toe, two toe, three toe, four. Big toe — that’s the one toe more!”
* Lucy is widening her sucking horizons. Lately, she has been sucking her thumb tucked into the side of her mouth. She sometimes enjoys “sucking her lower lip”:/news/2006/tasty-bottom-lip/, and she almost always enjoys sucking the hand of whomever is bathing her.
* Lucy has been reaching for a toy with two hands!
* Lucy has successfully found her feet and put them into her mouth. (August 22: First confirmed instance of her sucking her own toes.) When Lucy is on the diaper changing table these days, you can find her hanging on to both feet.
* Lucy loves to stand on a person’s lap, and lately she has also been “standing on one foot”:/news/2006/one-foot/!
* Mama and Lucy tell secrets to each other. Actually, Mama just whispers “la la la” into Lucy’s ear and Lucy giggles.
* One of Lucy’s favorite activities is sitting on the “front porch and watching”:/news/2006/motion/ the cars go by. If she is facing the house, she will turn to look at a car over her shoulder once she hears it.
* Papa likes to say “zoom-zoom-zoom-zoom-zoom!” and zoom in to kiss Lucy. She laughs!
* We never realized how crucial courage would be in parenting. (We’ll have to write a whole post on that line sometime.)
* August 19 marks Lucy’s first blood. It was a freak accident while clipping Lucy’s fingernails. Mama was much more traumatized than Lucy.
* Lucy started blowing raspberries on August 21. Papa has taken to blowing a raspberry back at her: “Bbbblllllll, yourself!”

3 Replies to “The Lucy Files: Month 4, Day 5”

  1. Good to hear Mo is normal! He is doing all the same fun things as Lucy. Plus rolling onto his tummy. This has been happening for almost 3 weeks, and is very hard on mom, because it’s “back to sleep.” But no one told Mo, and when he’s tired he rolls onto tummy and he’s out. This causes frequent “check-ups” to make sure he’s ok.

    Kaia does the same as Jon when Mo blows raspberries. And like everything his big sister does, it’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen!


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