One of my favorite parts in the book _Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason_ is Bridget’s account of writing up her Colin Firth interview. After days of being nagged by her supervisor and avoiding the project through a series of snacks, naps, and smokes, she finally gets down to business about 45 minutes before her deadline. Her diary entry at this time reads simply: “I AM DOING IT.” Victory for Bridget!
I keep thinking about this in connection with labor, delivery, and caring for our baby. Each step of the way will have its own challenges, and I think it will feel good to step back for a moment and say “I AM DOING IT” when I make it through a difficult contraction, overcome a breastfeeding struggle, soothe baby’s cries, or change a particularly nasty diaper. Victory for Ann!
Whew! With that headline, I bet you made some visitors think were you now in labor! :)