I have a confession to make: Much of the time, I cannot resist dressing Lucy and me in “matching clothes”:http://boydsnest.org/news/2006/wink/. (Perhaps this is not a secret?)
p{color:gray}. Photo: Even jum-jums can juxtapose nicely!
I rationalize it that my propensity for “matching”:/news/2006/left-leaning/ is merely sensible. It makes it easier to do laundry if we are both wearing “darks” or “colors” on any given day. Or, I remember that, as an ENFP on the “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator, I do not enjoy making decisions. So, I can only handle deciding what *one* of us will wear each day. And it is even easier if Papa dressed Lucy in the morning — I just have to coordinate! Sometimes he joins in the “fun”:/news/2006/better-red/, too.
But the truth is, I think matching is pretty cute. Lucy is cute enough on her own, but if I can match her, then I get a little cuteness boost too. [Editor’s note: And vice versa, baby!] It is practical, especially since Lucy loves to be carried and worn so much. If I’m going to wear somebody, she might as well work as a matching accessory! Is that so wrong?
Luckily, “Lucy”:/news/2006/sushi-bowl/ “seems”:/news/2006/gaaah/ “to”:/news/2006/girl-power/ “like”:/news/2006/left-thumb-technique/ “pink”:/news/2006/too-much-fun/ (“as”:/news/2006/mother-and-daughter-at-dusk/ “I”:/news/2006/dont-look-back/ “do”:/news/2006/one-week-after-delivery/) and doesn’t mind me futzing with her clothes too much. Soon enough, she will surely rebel and wear something that I look terrible in, like short shorts. Our matching days will come to an end, so I’m going to have as much fun as I can while I have the chance!
I think the matching clothes add a certain flair to your photos, and I bet you look tremendously beautiful together in person. (Although I think that would be true regardless of clothing). I occasionally will match Evan’s outfit to mine, or vice versa, but we wear more greys and navy blues than pink. Emmett keeps telling Evan that he has a certain number of years where he’s in my world of clothing, and after that he’ll be able to do his own thing fashion-wise. I’m taking the time now to dress him in those cute, preppy little boy things – sweater vests and khakis, etc. Because I’m pretty sure no son of Emmett’s will ever want to wear those things once he gets older.
The photos of you two always look cute whether well matched or not.
I enjoy trying to to coordinate our outfits for church or other special occasions, but I have to tell you that my three and a half year old fashionista will have none of it. (to this she always replies “I am not a fashionista, I am Kaia!”) She insists on wearing black patent “cindabella slippers” everywhere. Overalls and a purple shirt? black patent dress shoes. Now the miracle in that is I was able to convince her to wear the overalls in the first place, since generally she will insist on a dress (a sleeveless summer one is perfect for snowy days). Good thing Mo doesn’t mind my choice in clothing, and I pray that the fashionista will not rub off on him!
Just wait till you have another girl!