Baby can be born now, it’s fine: “the new camera”: arrived today.
And look: Ann really is “vacuuming”:../interesting-developments into the night.
And here’s one of the very cool special effects: the ability to pick out a single color and leave everything else in black-and-white. (This is done right in the camera, not Photoshopped.)
Needless to say, there will be more to come.
Your home is clean, and your new camera has recorded proof of it! Baby Boyd be born soon! (But only after Jon learns how to work the new camera..) ;)
So many buttons! Fortunately, the interface on this puppy is a thing of beauty. My kudos to the Canon folks.
Your new camera has also recorded proof of green being the only color in your living room.
Just goes to show ya: you can’t ever trust a digital image.