Well, I didn’t get any new information from Jenny about the laboring scene I witnessed on Monday — I didn’t really think I would, considering patient confidentiality. What I *did* get was an unexpected ultrasound.
After all the routine checks (urine test, weight, blood pressure — which was slightly elevated), Jenny and I talked a bit and then got on to checking out the baby. Baby’s heartrate was great (150 bpm), but my fundal height (the size of my uterus) was down a bit from last week. Jenny did a cervical check — no real dilation, but baby is in a “-1” position, very low, which is good. Just to be safe, she decided to send me in for an ultrasound. A small fundal height reading can either mean a) the baby has dropped quite a bit, b) there is low amniotic fluid, or c) the baby isn’t growing well. Both b and c could occur if the placenta isn’t functioning well, and that is no good.
While Jenny was out writing the order for the ultrasound, I was feeling pretty nervous, but glad that I realized it and got my questions ready. When she came back in, I said, “I’m feeling a little scared,” and then, “I’m going to cry now,” which I promptly did. Jenny was great and answered all of my questions — baby is totally fine, this ultrasound is just to make sure there is no problem. Worst case scenario: we would induce labor, which isn’t my preferred way of giving birth, but we would be okay.
(She took my blood pressure again, too, and it was amazing to see it drop after I had a good cry and got all of my fears out in the open.)
Jon was wonderful — I called him as soon as I left the office and told him what was up. He hopped on public transportation to come and be with me — ultrasounds just worry me so much after three miscarriages, I knew I didn’t want to do it alone, even though everything was probably fine. The ultrasound technicians thought I was a bit crazy, I think, sitting in their lobby for an hour waiting for Jon to show up, but I’m really glad he did. I kept thanking him for coming. He said, “I am the papa!”
The ultrasound was fine. Baby has plenty of amniotic fluid, there is good blood flow in the umbilical cord, and she is a healthy size — a petite 6.5 lbs, definitely in the normal range. Hooray for baby! Oh, and she is definitely a girl.
Jon and I are emotionally exhausted now — both from the “something is wrong!” feeling and the “we might have a baby today?” feeling. But we are really thankful to God for our little girl and, more than ever, we can’t wait to meet her!
I think we are going to finish packing our hospital bags tonight.
Whew! Now after reading your account of it, I’m all drained again. :)
By the way, if anyone wants to see an earlier ultrasound — with a choice profile of Baby, you can see one here: “http://www.annagram.org/extras/picture-0511.html”:http://www.annagram.org/extras/picture-0511.html