A little bigger

Jon tells this joke: “There is Papa Bigger, and Mama Bigger, and Baby Bigger. Who is the biggest?” (Pause.) “Baby Bigger, because he is just a little Bigger.” Even though we know that babies grow quickly, one thing is finally bringing home the truth about Lucy’s growth curve: Little Bigger is getting too big for some of her clothes.

Little head

p{color:gray}. Photo: Lucy hardly fills up one of Ann’s hand-knit hats on May 16, 2006… (continued below)

Lucy was pretty small as a newborn, and looked like she was swimming in most of the 0-3 month clothes we had for her. I was glad in a way, as I’d heard about how babies grew out of the tiniest clothes really quickly, but it looked like Lucy was going to stay in them for awhile. And, boy, did we have some cute ones for her!

The first thing Lucy grew out of was her “Labor of Love” onesie. This was basically the only item of clothing that actually fit her at birth, so I wasn’t surprised when it started to get snug. But recently, I’ve been noticing more and more onesies that are a challenge to snap over her double-lined Fuzzi Bunz diaper. It’s made me realize that the clock is ticking on some of these outfits. These days, I don’t worry about creating lots of laundry. If Lucy spits up on her onesie, good! It is an opportunity to change her clothes and wear these tiny, favorite onesies just a few more times.

Bigger head

p{color:gray}. Photo: …But today that same hat is starting to look a little small!

With any change, there is loss as well as opportunity. True, part of me is grieving the fact that we are moving on from the adorable Tommy Hilfiger outfit (seen in not “one”:/news/2006/revolution-makes-me-sleepy/, “two”:/news/2006/looking-westward/, or “three”:/news/2006/happy-birthday-uncle-jim/ but “four”:/news/2006/charmer/ Daily Lucys or more — plus a “video”:/news/2006/lucy-wakes-up/) that Tysa handed down to us. But at the same time, we have the chance to expand Lucy’s wardrobe in new directions. (A current sale at Old Navy is really putting a dent in my allowance money — not saving me money!)

I’m a little uncomfortable when people say, “Oh, I wish they could stay tiny a bit longer!” I always want Lucy to sense that I’m really interested to know who she is becoming, even if it takes work to stay current with her changes. But even though I’m glad Lucy is growing and developing, there is a bittersweetness in watching her get more independent. My hope now is that I’d be the kind of mom who can feel a little pang of sorrow that her baby is growing up, but then put on some lipstick, crank up the tunes, and take the little girl shopping!

Fortunately “her birthday suit”:/news/2006/unreal/ still fits just fine!

12 Replies to “A little bigger”

  1. You might think Lucy looks a bit greasy in that first photo. You know why? Because we still hadn’t gotten up the nerve to bathe the child yet. Poor girl!

  2. Ann too cute, gotta love the birthday suit! I’m glad you enjoyed my favorite outfit as well! And I highly recommend onesie extenders. Kaia was very long, but thin, and I really needed those as onesies were always the first thing to go. Now using cloth diapers with Mo, there are the clothes that fit with them, and those that are reserved for use with disposable diapers. Luckily he’s more chunky, than long. I can’t believe are babies are getting so big!

  3. i have to say that i’m not buying as much clothes for cadence as i thought i’d have to. i think it’s partly because she’s so active, she’s maintained her slim figure while growing taller, so i used last year’s jeans/pants as capris for the summer, and she’s still fitting into her shirts from last year too. i just bought 6 pairs of babygap jeans on ebay for just under $30, so that should last us for the next year or so as long as cadence doesn’t get too ridiculously tall.

    since most of us can’t afford to spend gobs and gobs of money on clothes, here are some resale stores for kids’ stuff:
    village discount and unique thrift stores usually have some good stuff too.

  4. You know the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” well in our case we are thankful that the village is clothing our children. Naomi has been given boxes of clothes up to 4T. She has more shoes than Amelda Marcos!! Cant wait til she can wear them! Naomi is a hipp dresser these days…she is hard to keep up with.

    The growing up is bitter sweet for me too. It seems that all four of our kids are at such a fun stage of life…I just wish they could sometimes stay there. But then they move to the next stage and the fun begins all over again. It does give me a few grey hairs though when Joseph and Alex tell me they feel like teen agers or they cant wait until they are teens…Hmmm they are only 9.

    The time does go fast enjoy the journey!

  5. I too enjoy the hand-me-downs, but I must admit I don’t like it when people give you things that have been stained or are really worn. I try hard to keep maddy’s things really nice, as I think she is a reflection of me and my care (although it is okay for kids to get dirty, I just want her to start clean).

    The growing makes me want another one right away as I feel like I blink and she is different (However we don’t have another one in the plans right now, maybe in a year or so). But with her growth comes new joys, even if I miss the ity-bitty baby that everyone marvels at. Now they coo at her good behavior and sweet disposition and then tell me she is fat or “BIG”.

  6. I am blessed in the fact that I have not bought any clothes for Mo. They have all been given to me as gifts, bought by eager grandparents (even though he is the 8th grandchild for my inlaws who already have great grandchildren too) and loaned to me from friends at church. We have quite the exchange going as the pastor’s wife, and 3 other’s beside me have all recently had children. I find it just as much of a blessing to continue passing things on. Kaia is just 1 year older than the pastor and his wife’s daughter so she is almost always just right in size for the clothes Kaia had on last year.

  7. We also are garage sale or hand-me down people… though that is probably coming to a close as little boys seem to be hard enough on their clothes by age 2 or so that they are mere threads by the time they are done with them. Of course with the new-bee due only 2 days after Gabe’s birthday he’ll get all Gabe’s second run hand-me-downs too! (As if I had the whole thing planned – AAAAAHAHAHAHAA!)
    All you moms of more than one youngster – did you find youself with mixed emotions about the new arrival? I, of course, want this little fella… but find myself mourning the loss of the “Gabe years”. hmmmm…

  8. I actually cried when I found out I was pregnant again because I felt like Benjamin was still just a baby and it wasn’t very fair to him! Now of course, I’m very excited about our second little one (due in just 5 weeks), but I still sometimes feel sad about losing that one-on-one time with Benjamin.

  9. Allison,

    There are all kinds of clothes that boys can get for had me downs when they are older….I have enough ties, Hawaiian shirts, long sleeved oxfords, to clothe an entire neighborhood. I have a friend who has even given me all of her suits “in case I need one for a funeral.” We are in chicago freguently..if you would like some.

    Yes, mixed emotions about the next child were common for me as well. I was always worried that I would not have enough love for the new baby. Silly, I know! I think because I had twins first I did not realize what some of those wonderful stages were until Charles (my third) reached them. So somethimes I mourn what I lost without realizing it. But it is so delightful to see how each child interacts with a new sibling. It is fun to see how they bond and include one another. I guess the joys of becoming a family help ease the loss of a childs’s “special years”. Blessings to you as you prepare for this new little one.

  10. Save your favorite kid/baby outfits because in a year or so I plan to start a business that makes memory quilts from your loved one’s clothing. I’m serious. I’ve already made 3 quilts from baby clothes and other garments. They are super charming.

    I had very mixed emotions about baby #2, mainly because she was scheduled to arrive about 2 years ahead of our ‘plan.’ Now that she is almost 7 months old, I can’t imagine our family without her. Even though I feel like I am CONSTANTLY doing chores or childcare, the thought of life without Jocelyn Hope seems boring and sad. Her eager smile and pleasant spirit is a healthy balance to her older sister’s spice and energy.

    I’ve enjoyed ‘meeting’ other moms on this blog and catching up with old friends (Nicole W! and others). Ann, you are a gem of a person, so sparkly in many ways. Thanks for opening up your life like this.

  11. Keri, I love the idea of your memory quilts! I’ve seen a couple of similar ideas in magazines, like making a “swatch book”:http://wondertime.go.com/create-and-play/craft/0806-keepsakes-baby-clothes.html. (By the way, I really like the magazine this article came from — beautiful and interesting!)

    I think it is so awesome that this community has developed. I know I’ve benefited so much from your wisdom, and I’m glad you are a blessing to one another too!

  12. Nicole W., I am always up for hand-me-downs. Anytime you are in Chicago with some extra clothes I’ll meet you just about anywhere to get them… just let me know where! Also, having mentored lots of parents through cbe classes for their “next” babies I know intellectually that worrying about having enough love, etc for later kids is very common… but hearing it, knowing it and living it are sometimes different things. : ) Hearing it from you all, who I “know”… well, I can’t thank you all enough for sharing your thoughts and feelings – I feel much less alone.
    Keri – good luck with the new business! It sounds very intriguing!

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